Venue Change Update: Tour de Fat Chicago 2018 in Humboldt Park

Update for 2018: It's back in the 'hood!
Venue Change 2018: Humboldt Park
Venue Change 2017: Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island 

Tour de Fat Chicago will be held at Northerly Island this year ! It will be held on July 29, 2017 from 4pm to 9pm. The event admission cost is $30. New Belgium is still supporting WestTown Bikes / Ciclo Urbano with its proceeds.

There also seems to be an elimination of the ever popular TDF Bike Parade. :'(

Pic above from TDF 2016 - Palmer Square (Tom A. K.) . . . Pic below from TDF 2012

The End ! . . .

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TDeF is now just a fond all corporate commercial and no charm.

I received their emailed notice last month and immediately responded to say their new plan is of no interest to me (even if there were no admission charge).

Yes. I keep reminding myself that change is the nature of the universe and all that and that I should just move on, but this change still makes me enormously sad. (3:40)

Video - Tour de Fat 2016 Chicago West Town Bikes by Jose Rivera (3:40)

I continue to support and love WestTown Bikes and am sure that a positive outcome will result from this change.

Last Saturday, the 29th of July.

Did anybody go?

Saturday I went to The WestTown Dog Parade, where there were plenty of owners on their bikes (~50). Check CL photos. While there, I met up with my Chainlink friend, Alisa Hauser and her dog Blu. Around 3:30pm I was in West Town Bikes storefront looking at the bikes (i saw a nice one for $438, may comeback for testride, n+1) and merchandise and bought another smaller U-lock for $30. Later on I ended up doing chores and a few weeks of needed laundry. . . Then a few PBR's by the BBQ and then I was good. . .

1st Annual WestTown Dog Parade not affiliated with West Town Bikes.

I can't fully explain how much of it's magic @newbelgium @TourdeFat...

Exactly. So crushingly sad and heartbreaking. But on the other hand, it was always a little embarrassing that our cultural highlight of the year was imported from Colorado. 


Maybe it's time Chicago developed it's own annual bike festival and partnered with one or more of the local craft beers to do it? Getting a park location is going to be an uphill battle. Parking lots are much harder to damage than grass and flowers in a park.

A few years ago when it rained heavily and cancelled the parade, then cleared up for the festival and music I began to feel leary for the future of the event when many of the (younger?) participants started to turn the stagefront into a huge mud moshpit and trashed a huge part of Palmer Square Park. To say that, "the number of older folks complaining that the party got taken away is kinda gross", is sort of missing the point. It's damage was part of the reason for the departure.


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