The Chicago Kidical Mass rides are growing fast and are a lot of fun.
The rides have been similar in size to the neighborhood mass rides, ie
50+ people.  Please tell your cycling friends with kids about these
rides.  And if you don't have kids come join us anyway.  It's a good
time and we can always use the help of experienced cyclists with corking
and keeping the rides massed up and safe.

Here's our scheduled upcoming rides:

May 15, Warren Park, 6601 N Western
Gather by the ice rink at 10:30 AM
Ride at 11:00 AM to Indian Boundary park and back
contact: Todd Allen 773 267 8168

June 12, Palmer Square, 3064 W Palmer Blvd
Gather in center of park at 10:30 AM for 11:00 AM departure
This ride repeats on 2nd Saturday every month,
contact: Jason Greenberg 773 269 2129 or Karen Furlong 773 235-4630

June 19, 825 W. Maxwell st
Gather in plaza on east side of Recreation field at 10:30 AM
Ride at 11:00 AM to Sheridan park and back
contact: Todd Allen 773 267 8168

Ride Guidelines
Please wear helmets and ride safely.
Rides are typically 4 miles at a 5-6 mph pace on quiet residential
streets, roughly 1 hour with stops.
Rides are suitable for children who have progressed beyond training
Younger children are welcome on trail-a-bikes, child trailers and child
seats of their parent's bike.
Festive dress and decorations encouraged.
It is expected that all kids bring a parent or guardian.

For the latest information or to assist in planning future rides please
go to

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Todd and Jamie, good to see you today. See you at the next few Kidical mass rides!
Great Ride Today! I was SOOOO impressed that the ride wasn't canceled due to the rain and everyone's general attitude about the weather. Some of the kids were even playing in the park during the preride downpour. Makes us adults who cancel rides due to the weather look so wimpy. ha!

My camera battery died before the ride actually started but here are a couple!

Thanks everyone, for a great ride! (And for your patience with the littlest rider)

Here are some photos, and one short video clip: June 12 Kidical Mass


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