A bike community member I know described these efforts as "utter failures" the other night.
Just wondering what people's experiences have been-- have you participated? Any response out on the road?

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As a motorcyclist this reminds me of the massive butthurt that some riders feel when they "wave" to other riders and they don't wave back.

Do bicyclists in Euro countries where everyone is riding bicycles everywhere wave to each other all the time? They'd never get their hands back on the handlebars.

Wouldn't that be great if riding a bike were as ubiquitous as peds walking around? You don't wave to every ped you meet on the sidewalk -Wednesday or not...
Ahhhhh James but we're better than those idiots walkin on 2 feet. We've evolved. ;-) It's a nice sentiment. I dinged yesterday and got nothing. I will wave today and see. I ride damen to clybourn to fullerton 8:30 to 9 and from 430ish pm to 5:30ish fullerton, lincoln wells jackson. White helmet, Green fuji mtn bike black jacket. waving ;-)
Smarter you might be -but don't be too disappointed when other people have their own priorities and don't bother proclaiming membership in your "special people club" and don't return the gesture when you flash your "gang sign" ;)

I think there are a million other things to be concerned with when on a bike (like survival for one) to worry about who's waving to whom and reciprocating or not on which day.

Gabe said:
Ahhhhh James but we're better than those idiots walkin on 2 feet. We've evolved. ;-) It's a nice sentiment. I dinged yesterday and got nothing. I will wave today and see. I ride damen to clybourn to fullerton 8:30 to 9 and from 430ish pm to 5:30ish fullerton, lincoln wells jackson. White helmet, Green fuji mtn bike black jacket. waving ;-)
Success! I received a wave this morning at 6:30 on milwaukee and grand.
I don't have a bell or horn on any of my bikes but I do give and receive waves fairly often.

I don't notice much difference by the day of the week, ie Tuedays and Wednesdays. Although I've heard Howard and a couple others promote the idea before, it's rarely something I think about. I'm a creature of habit and I'm not in the habit of thinking "Oh, it's Wednesday and I should wave more than normal."

If there was a sufficient critical mass of others doing this it might make me remember the idea once I got rolling and got hit with a flurry of honks or waving. Speaking of critical masses, I do remember when there were lots of bikes sporting small orange flags and seeing them often sparked the sense of spontaneous comraderie that I think is trying to be achieved with "two honk Tuedays".

What does seem to spark more waving and honking. is most anything unusual, such as riding wearing a suit and tie or riding with a passenger, riding in a blizzard or hellacious storm, etc.
James, I'm special all around doesn't matter what club I'm in. ;-)

Waved at 8 people. Received 2 "Do i know you looks?" and 6 non-responders. No waves received. Damen is fairly safe as traffic goes so i wouldn't use the survival argument. My ride from job 1 to job 2 downtown is survival and i'm not wavin. ;-)

Since my last ride happens at 1030 pm I'm not gonna bother with wavin either. Oh well. Next Tuesday i'll be dingin my bell. You can Ding my Beeeeeeelllll. Ding my bell! ;-)
Of course only 1% of the city commutes by bike, so it is even worse. Why can't we all just be polite everyday? Is Tuesday special for some reason?

Dr. Doom said:
Assuming 5% of Chicagoans are cyclists, eight responses gives you a margin of error of 35% at a confidence level of 95%, according to this handy sample size calculator.
Okay Harpo. I think I'd prefer not to get the TSA touch. ;)

H3N3 said:
Sorry, that was me.

I've read a few stories today to the effect that two-honk Tuesday seems to be catching on with airport security workers though. They give it a slightly different touch . . .

yesterday evening...on hubbard somewhere between Western and Damen...i received my first ever unsolicited, unprompted, unprovoked wave. im always the wave instigator. naturally i waved back.


tho success rate is be below 1% im sure, thats 100% progress.

I remember getting some waves during inclement weather my first bike winter.
Camaraderie in winter?

Justin Lee Miller said:

Waving and honking is lame.  The last time I waved was when I saw a guy about my dad's age on a recumbent with a trailer in falling snow and traffic.  He smiled and waved and I had to do the same.  I don't wave.  What's the point?
Thanks for the Harpo link.  :)

H3N3 said:


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