Pictures and video from the Tour de Fat in Chicago in 2015

Any other reports?  Crowded, but no rain this year!  Probably one of the longest parades of any cycling event.

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Hey Bob, I know crowd estimation is a difficult and thankless science, but I have to agree it was the biggest Tour de Fat parade ever here.I've been at nearly all of them here. My estimate for the parade today was 1,200-1,400 cyclists. I was on the safety/security/course marshals crew so I was moving back to front in the parade and it was huge. Thank 'goodness' the rain held off so all the children and everyone could enjoy the parade. It was GREAT ! Thank you everyone for coming out ! See you next year, I hope ! ?

The statistic that matters: beer line length? Almost zero all day! (not counting the Lips of Faith tent of course). New Belgium has a pretty efficient system worked out. Brilliant! 

Tour de Fat is better than all of Chicago's other summer festivals COMBINED! Without charging admission and selling mostly awesome craft beer for the same price OR LESS than the price other festivals charge for macro-swill, they still manage to raise tens of thousands of dollars for local non-profits and the event is massively family friendly to boot! It is just amazing really.
We are so fortunate that this event comes to Chicago!

Reggie Watts, always hilarious.

Meta Reggie Watts

(This guy filmed the whole thing with his phone! I don't know why I find that to be amazing.)


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