I have a blog. I almost never write anything. I've been thinking a lot recently though about the fundamental ways cyclists differ from motorists. I reached a couple conclusions about that, but in the process, it also led me to think about how they are the same, and what actions should be common to them.



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Skip, you should blog more often. You have something to say and express it in a way that is easy on the eyes. I think your three points bear repetition for anybody who did not hit the link. The common thread to me behind your points is empathy. You are aware that you are not the only person on the road regardless of whether they are  moving on foot, two or four wheels and you care that we all get to our destination in one piece.  You wrote:

  1. Never deny someone else their right-of-way. If you come to a four-way stop and someone else has already gotten there, that person (driver, pedestrian, cyclist) has the right-of-way. It's their choice to yield it or not, not yours. Don't take it from them.
  2. Always signal your intentions. Many people seem to think that turn signals are optional. They are not. Ignoring the codified laws (which seem not to be enforced anyway), signaling your intention to turn, change lanes, or stop reduces confusion, and thus the risk of an incident.
  3. Never accelerate to make a yellow light for which you can stop. No matter how experienced or lucky you are, eventually your experience will fail you and your luck will run out. You will run a red light, and collide with someone going the other way.

This is excellent.

Excellent absolutes, Skip.  I would add, somewhat along the lines of what Jeff says, every second expect someone (cyclist, driver, pedestrian) to do something stupid.

Yep, pretty much.

Lisa Curcio 4.1mi said:

Excellent absolutes, Skip.  I would add, somewhat along the lines of what Jeff says, every second expect someone (cyclist, driver, pedestrian) to do something stupid.

Nice post, Skip

Skip - well said and thank you!

Completely agree with all of this.

#2 should apply to everyone! Drivers and cyclists. It makes it so much easier to figure out who's doing what.

I wish there was more enforcement for this infraction, I think it has gotten worse in the last few years.

This is really a must read. It's a two-way street and we are so early in the evolution of bikes as transportation that the rules that govern both our rights and responsibilities as cyclists are just being written. Skips blog sets a perfect tone and balance for all - how do we all help each other get from point A to point B? 



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