You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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I was perfectly happy just to give him the evil eye several times and hold my line in the bike lane. As I pulled up to the stop sign at 14th & Wabash to make a left turn - next to one of the many drivers he'd just passed - I said to her "wouldn't it be poetic justice if a bird crapped on that guy's car right about now?" She got a big smile on her face and said yes.

The other drivers were behaving fairly reasonably. A couple of them honked at the a$$hole for trying to cut them off. I appreciated the fact that the vast majority of them were driving like responsible adults.

Hats off to the CTA bus driver who let a passenger off in the middle of the block as you idled in the middle of the vehicle lane.  As I was passing by in the bike lane, one of your passengers stepped off the bus right in front of me.  How I avoided a collision is a mystery.  BTW, sorry about the 42 oz. latte that you spilled onto the tarmac.  I guess you were as surprised as I was!

You:  Yellow Cab going down Bryn Mawr toward LSD entrance at 5:30 am on Sunday.  Yes, I know that you were disappointed that you couldn't get on the drive, but pulling right up on the back wheel of bicycles heading toward the drive and generally acting like a jerk doesn't really earn you any "points".

Well, actually it should have earned you points (on your license) if one of the Cops in the area had been paying attention......

Does Illinois use points?  I haven't been stopped in state since 2003.

Me: rolling along thinking "wow nobody has yelled at me to get on the sidewalk yet and I'm almost to work, what a lovely day" I know I know don't think it or say it. 

You: Screaming up the parking lane, honking at me, yelling from your window "get on the funking side walk"

Me: "That's illegal I am clearly over 12." 

It was a beautiful morning for a ride though. 

Good answer.

Huck1eberry said:

Me: rolling along thinking "wow nobody has yelled at me to get on the sidewalk yet and I'm almost to work, what a lovely day" I know I know don't think it or say it. 

You: Screaming up the parking lane, honking at me, yelling from your window "get on the funking side walk"

Me: "That's illegal I am clearly over 12." 

It was a beautiful morning for a ride though. 

Me: Riding Divvy bike on South Wabash.

You: Entitled a$$ in white BMW convertible, driving aggressively and trying to pass everyone during evening rush hour.

Geez, I seem to be in a bad pattern here - ride Divvy on South Wabash and attract entitled a$$holes in expensive white convertibles. I hope this is the end of the pattern. It's getting rather old.

Sigh. So dumb. There should be a theory quiz or something every six months to keep your license about rules of the road for cars, pedestrians, and cyclists. 

This morning I watched everyone else have missed connections, but didn't experience any myself (yay!) 

1) At MKE and Western: you shoaled me through the tail end of the red light, light turned green. Then a jeep blew the red going down western and almost smooshed the heck out of you. I was a few feet behind you and screamed "WOAH!" becaue my brain was mush cos I was pretty sure I was about to watch you get hit. Luckily you were able to dodge last second, but you gave me a panic attack. 

2) I guess this was almost one for me: you were ahead of me, and I was faster. So, I politely said "on your left" and began to pass, as there were no cars to my left. You swerved over mid pass and we nearly locked pedals. Luckily I had room to swerve. 

3) At the MKE and Elston light you blew the red in the bike lane (and I do that too, at that specific intersection... so I'm not judging you too harshly there...) but a livery car was VERY CLEARLY coming into the bike lane trying to get in the right turn lane for Chicago, which is the reason why I slowed down and stopped. Instead, you insistently kept going and he practically squeezed you onto the curb. Then you hit his car multiple times with your palm. He wasn't doing anything wrong. If you're going to roll through a light, at least watch out! 

Huck1eberry said:

Me: rolling along thinking "wow nobody has yelled at me to get on the sidewalk yet and I'm almost to work, what a lovely day" I know I know don't think it or say it. 

You: Screaming up the parking lane, honking at me, yelling from your window "get on the funking side walk"

Me: "That's illegal I am clearly over 12." 

It was a beautiful morning for a ride though. 

A guy crosses the lakefront trail at Lawrence on Monday with head down and without looking left or right and forces me and a jogger to come to a screeching halt. Me: Yo. Him: I am a pedestrian and have the right of way. Me: So you can walk across Lake Shore Drive without looking, too, because you are a pedestrian? Him: Issues a grunt and keeps walking with head down.

A nice loud blast from an air horn might work wonders on someone like that.  ;-)


Gene Tenner said:

A guy crosses the lakefront trail at Lawrence on Monday with head down and without looking left or right and forces me and a jogger to come to a screeching halt. Me: Yo. Him: I am a pedestrian and have the right of way. Me: So you can walk across Lake Shore Drive without looking, too, because you are a pedestrian? Him: Issues a grunt and keeps walking with head down.

I really wish we could take Minneapolis's example and have seperated walking and biking paths. It wouldn't take up that much more room... 

A belated thank you to the DB riding in front of me at BTD who launched a snot rocket without checking his "6".


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