You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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All very true. I just see the "anger" towards pedestrians, cars, even other bikers, when someone has to tap their brakes to slow down to navigate the streets of Chicago.  I get cut off if I'm walking, driving or biking but I don't go spitting on people. That's why we have the middle finger.

I was just hoping that the individual reads this page.  Hell even in the thread on the front page (If ever I'm arrested, it will be for assaulting a pedestrian in the Dearborn PBL) there is the issue of spitting. 

notoriousDUG said:

Fixed that for you.

Steve Weeks said:

This just in: Most people are fucking assholes.


You: A good ol'fashioned shoaler at the corner of Ogden and Milwaukee (Northbound). What gave away that I was going to be a slow rider? The fact that I was going about 10mph faster than you over the bridge just north of Grand/Halsted and the only reason/way you caught up was because it was a red light? Also, your obliviousness when called out was hilarious (see below). I'm not mad, just confused at your thought process.

Other you (a fine gentleman): You were the guy who had awesome etiquette and pulled up behind me at the light and called out the guy in front of me for shoaling me with "Really, you're going to shoal this guy after he just burned us? Poor etiquette." You rule. Thanks. I got a good chuckle and had an even better time saying "on your left" to the shoaler after about 20 feet once the light changed.

Cycling season begins...

Things are heating up. With them, tempers and bad manners. 

I was buzzed by 2-3 cars in the last 24 hours at high speeds and shitmypants distances. I caught up to the worst offender, stayed calm, and told him a story about the size of a fish I recently caught. It was coincidentally the same length as the 3ft rule in Illinois. "How relevant is that!?", I exclaimed! He replied with his favorite fish story, in which he hooked a prize bass with only ONE FINGER! What a riot this old man was. 

Chris LaFrombois (8.5 mi - o.w.) said:

You: A good ol'fashioned shoaler at the corner of Ogden and Milwaukee (Northbound). What gave away that I was going to be a slow rider? The fact that I was going about 10mph faster than you over the bridge just north of Grand/Halsted and the only reason/way you caught up was because it was a red light? Also, your obliviousness when called out was hilarious (see below). I'm not mad, just confused at your thought process.

Other you (a fine gentleman): You were the guy who had awesome etiquette and pulled up behind me at the light and called out the guy in front of me for shoaling me with "Really, you're going to shoal this guy after he just burned us? Poor etiquette." You rule. Thanks. I got a good chuckle and had an even better time saying "on your left" to the shoaler after about 20 feet once the light changed.

Heh... I take a slightly more optimistic view of humanity.


notoriousDUG said:

Fixed that for you.

Steve Weeks said:

This just in: Most people are fucking assholes.


Haven't we heard tell of this spitter before? i have a hard time believing there's more than one...

DLS said:

I don’t really post on here, but I’m a daily visitor. I want to know who the male biker is going north on Halsted near Fulton that decided to nearly run over my wife and laugh when she slipped on ice in the cross walk while a truck was waiting for her to cross.

And then decided to follow her down Fulton and spit on her. You weren’t even tough enough to get off your bike and give my wife a fair chance to defend herself.


Middle Aged "hipster" on an upright bicycle with no helmet

Place and Time:

Damen and Warner at about 4:45 pm on the 22nd


Pedestrian crossing in crosswalk with 9 year old.

I was crossing the Street with my 9 year old.   At the crosswalk with the stop signs.   This hipster blows right through the stop sign without even slowing, nearly hitting us and telling us to get out of the way.  I politely point out that stop signs apply and that at least he should yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk.  He tosses an F bomb at us as he rides off.  

Thanks so very much for continuing to give bicyclists the reputation of being uncaring foul mouthed jerks who ignore the traffic laws and places pedestrians at issue.  I hope you get doored into traffic.   If I hadn't had the nine year old with me, based on how close you came, I likely would have clothslined you in self defense..... 

Kiss kiss

I've been walking short distances in this winter for the books and WTF! I clearly have the cross signal and left turners are looking right and decide to gun it to get through. I guess cars rule.

Spitting on a person is a class A misdemeanor in Illinois (and a trait of a sociopath, IMO). It is probably worth the time to file a police report if anyone else sees that guy do such.

mike w. said:

Haven't we heard tell of this spitter before? i have a hard time believing there's more than one...

DLS said:

I don’t really post on here, but I’m a daily visitor. I want to know who the male biker is going north on Halsted near Fulton that decided to nearly run over my wife and laugh when she slipped on ice in the cross walk while a truck was waiting for her to cross.

And then decided to follow her down Fulton and spit on her. You weren’t even tough enough to get off your bike and give my wife a fair chance to defend herself.

Soo ready for weather to be a bit warmer!

Not enough "O"s in that!

Personally, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready!



Domenica Cresap said:

Soo ready for weather to be a bit warmer!

Thank you to whatever gentleman-cyclist stopped to threaten with legal proceedings the young bro-dude who decided to run his car in full reverse into me in the bike lane north of North/Halsted.  And with that, I suppose I should thank Divvy et al for their finely crafted steed, which while not damaged, did manage to punch a rather large tear into his bumper.  Can't say my Peug' would have glanced off that blow as well.

To the taxi driver that blew through the red light on EB Kinzie at Canal yesterday evening, passing stopped traffic on the wrong side of the road to run the light without even slowing down - I reported you. Something may or may not come of it, but it can't hurt - good thing no one happened to be coming north on the green from Canal at that moment!


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