You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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Forgot about the recent Metra construction. Sorry. But what about Wolcott? It's 1 block west of the southbound half of Ravenswood. Wolcott has stoplights at major intersections - good southbound bike route, better than SB Ravenswood, IMO.

Davo said:

Not giving an excuse but hasn't the southbound ravenswood Ave on the West side of the track been closed off for construction for a while now (Between montrose and lawerence). 

Anne Alt said:

+2  Been there more than once, and there's NO good excuse for it.

Luke Gardner said:

If one more of you dumb motherfuckers rides the wrong way on Ravenswood Avenue near Montrose I'm going to fucking let you have it. Stop this dumb bullshit, there's a street that goes that way on the other side of the tracks. You're fucking up traffic and disregarding the lights (not to mention being a shitty salmon) so please, please, please go the right way. Fuckers

You are a 300 lb. cab driver of unknown national origin. I was stopped at a red light in the middle of the bike lane on Clinton with both head light and tail light activated and wearing a bright red shirt for max. visibility. Sorry I couldn't initially understand what you were saying to me and twice had to ask you to "please repeat yourself," as I had just finished a 10 hour shift at work. I'm usually much better with accents. I finally understood you on the third try: "You're going to get yourself killed the way you ride."

I must admit, I was rather taken aback, as this conversation was occurring only because I was stopped in a bike lane at a red light in very light traffic. Indeed, the bike ahead of me blew the same light shortly after I pulled behind him, intent not to shoal. (I guess my unusual behavior caused him to panic.) I had been riding in a straight line in the bike lane for several blocks, so I asked, "What are you talking about?"

You responded, "Fuck you, pussy," then sped off as the light turned green, only to pull into the bike lane and slam on the brakes a few yards later. I easily avoided you, as I had been slowly accelerating from a dead stop. This time you said, "I'm not a pussy." I was forced to disagree, considering your concurrent behavior while surrounded by a substantial protective layer of metal, and suggested that you focus on correcting your own questionable driving instead of worrying about me. At this point, you opened the door, feigning bravery...expecting me to ride away, I guess. I decided to look for your ID number instead, which caused you to peel off into the relative darkness before I could get it. Once again, you had undermined your claim to be "not a pussy." Little did I know that you would undermine yourself one last time.

After parking your cab out of sight near Harrison, you hid behind parked cars, lying in wait for my approach. Then you sprung out as I passed, intent on knocking me to the ground sideways. I guess you forgot that you weigh 300 lbs., as you completely gassed after taking 3 steps, making contact physically impossible unless I came to a full stop (which I briefly considered). I had a good laugh with a fellow biker at a red light half a block away. He carries his U-lock on his handlebars for just such occasions.

No hard feelings at your attempts to murder me for no apparent reason. I will have many a laugh in the days to come at the vision of your "running."

Wonder if that is the same guy who was spitting at people last summer? Dude has issues...


i think i've seen this guy on Sheridan a few times.

Paul Gnarlo said:

To the bro in the black mercier kilo tt who decided to run into me northbound on clark just south of elm ~515pm:

Although you passed me dangerously earlier way back on the DBL, I had just hammered through the light on maple and was coasting wayyy faster then you. I understand you were mad that anyone passed you, but speeding up to brush into my back as I was passing you? That's incredibly rude and super dangerous!

You said you hate newbies like me who only bike in the nice summer weather and that you could tell I am a newbie by "the way I ride." Oddly enough, when I made fun of your bike, your o'neil board shorts and your sweet fedora hat you decided to blow the red lights ahead and speed away.

So, Fedora the Exporer, wherever you are, I hope this message finds you well and the next time you fuck with someone else for no reason something incredibly awful happens to you.


As a group, class, culture... whatever... we're screwed if we can't encourage mutual respect among ourselves. But there are a lot of bikers who seem to see themselves as "rugged individualists" and this does not occur to them.


You were a LEO in an unmarked car at the light on the east side of First Avenue, at the trailhead of the Prairie Path. Thank you for flicking your siren on, so that two bicyclists crossing the street at the light, in a perfectly legal manner, knew that there was a police car behind them.

You in your BMW SUV, exiting of 94 at Randolph.  God forbid you turn your pretty head to the LEFT as you blow the stop sign and go screeching around the corner to your right, and abruptly hit the curb, and sit in your car doing whatever with your Ipad.  Had you gotten out of your car, you dumb fucking bitch, I would have told you that its a good thing that ONE OF US was paying attention, because If I had not been, you would have run me over.  Then My wife would have OWNED your BMW, and every other fucking thing you will ever own.

To the fella on the fancy mountain bike riding down North Ave on the center stripe with no cars near by, pick a lane bro.

@Scarlett, If she can run as fast as you can bike and her baby is wearing a helmet, then sure, why not! I see runners in the lane a lot, usually going the wrong way. What they are doing is so dangerous, I don't even know how to start the conversation with them.

To the man who yelled "GET OFF THE ROAD" to me on Western this morning, I would like to say, "Sure thing, but you first." 

You: salmoning westbound in the eastbound Kinzie PBL across the bridge.



to the young lady with headphones that must have levitated as it was hard to discern a head upon which they could rest...

...I was sitting behind a rider at a red light on Wells between North and Armitage.  The light turned green and the rider in front of me began to ride into the intersection. You came from the right and your light had just turned red.  Undeterred you continued into the intersection and were narrowly missed by the rider in front of me.  You turned to give her a piece of your mind.  At that point I could not hold back even though I was attempting to put myself in a pure frame of mind while I rode home to shower and get ready for services for Rosh Hashonah. I called to you, "Hey babe, why are you upset? You are not looking.  And, you are not listening."  You rode away as did I and the rider you nearly hit.  Please keep an eye out for other riders and I will work to control my tongue.  May it be a sweet (and safe) year for us all.

To the guy salmoning on Dearborn on the east side of the street (outside the bike lane) a little while ago - do you seriously want to become a hood ornament?

Almost too hot to ride today.  Rode anyway, of course!



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