You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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To the guy and his friend in dark clothes, salmoning Elston/Ashland, double-wise with no lights - what the $!?/&@! were you thinking?!?! Darwinism may not be your friend, but that no reason to endanger the lot of us. (And thanks for not giving way, though I had lights and you clearly saw me coming at about 20mph)

Hey Guy on Damen going south just before the Metra tracks. Thanks for passing me on my right, even though there was no traffic behind us, I was a little further left in the bike lane avoiding the old lady in the road, also thanks for doing it super quietly so I almost veered into you. That was the most complicated turn you had going west onto Fulton as well. 

You seem like a nice guy....don't pass bikes on the right though please.

To the white Park District stake truck coming around the curve (northbound)just south of Oak Street Beach on the Lake Front Trail. Driving too fast and on the WRONG side of the path.  I was riding at 8:50 this morning headed south, close to wall.  Barely able to avoid being hit by the Park District vehicle that was going too fast and in the wrong lane.  Tried to wave them to move to the left. As I passed I yelled slow down and move over.  They started to swear at me.  I was barely able to avoid them.  They thought it was pretty amusing.  I wrote to the Park District - this happens all too often.  Bad enough when it is the commercial monster trucks that deliver food to the restaurant at Oak Street, but the Park District people should have some idea what is going on.  The woman who was driving the truck was pretty nasty and the guy sitting next to her was also.   

The lawyers are right, the LFP is probably more dangerous than the streets at times.  This morning was a perfect example.  Time for a camera on the bike!!

Does anyone know someone at the Park District that will take this seriously and do something about it?

Being hit in the bike lane on the streets was tough enough.....but such a close call with a truck on the LFP is outrageous.   (Over the weekend I cycled past Rahm running north up near Waveland; do you think he would take action on this?)

Yeah, this wasn't me, and I don't know the full situation....but....


If someone is riding slowly far left and there is ample space to the right...that's where I'll pass. 


"don't pass bikes on the right" doesn't always make sense.

Davo said:

Hey Guy on Damen going south just before the Metra tracks. Thanks for passing me on my right, even though there was no traffic behind us, I was a little further left in the bike lane avoiding the old lady in the road, also thanks for doing it super quietly so I almost veered into you. That was the most complicated turn you had going west onto Fulton as well. 

You seem like a nice guy....don't pass bikes on the right though please.

Lots of slower joggers have a habit of poking along the center line as well.  I think they have some kind of narcissistic thing going on...

I get that but say something. He had to damn near hit the old lady with the speed he came up on me. And traffic was real light.

NYC (7.0 mi) said:

Yeah, this wasn't me, and I don't know the full situation....but....


If someone is riding slowly far left and there is ample space to the right...that's where I'll pass. 


"don't pass bikes on the right" doesn't always make sense.

Davo said:

Hey Guy on Damen going south just before the Metra tracks. Thanks for passing me on my right, even though there was no traffic behind us, I was a little further left in the bike lane avoiding the old lady in the road, also thanks for doing it super quietly so I almost veered into you. That was the most complicated turn you had going west onto Fulton as well. 

You seem like a nice guy....don't pass bikes on the right though please.

Thanks to the dude in the light blue BMW convertible who cut off our entire family while we were passing a stopped bus on Courtland just west of Ashland. When we arrived side by side at Damen to make turns in opposite directions I totally called you out with a "Thanks for cutting us off dude" because you're an ass. Your response of "your welcome. You all deserve to die" seems hardly suitable to say to my two and 6 year old.

The joys of family biking.

Anika, please please please get a plate next time. I know it's tough to think of but would be nice to post.

To the young lady in red riding SB on Milwaukee at Oakley - the oncoming car that had stopped and was beginning its left turn across your path had the right of way. Blowing through the stop sign under the circumstances was not wise and was not apt to create a good impression of bicyclists.

I'm no saint who comes to a full stop at each stop sign, but please, folks - yield to others who have the right of way.

To the young man who heeded my caution about shoaling yesterday, thank you. It appears you remembered for when we met on the reverse commute you did not try to get in front of me...

now to the young lady on the little road bike wearing jorts that zipped by me on Damen to get ahead at the stop light. I would have thought you would have understood when I mentioned shoaling to you and then passed you in traffic in order to continue home that you would have clued in by the third time I passed you that you were not going to beat me NB and take your spot on my 6. Sure your bike may look neater than my frank-en bike but I can assure you that you will not be able to keep up with me so stop it already. 

I drive and I walk and I bike (a lot), and I don't understand the conflict.  What is the big deal!  Chill out people!!  When I get beeped at while on my bike, it does nothing to change how I ride.  Sometimes when I am driving, a cyclist will do something arrogant and rude (some cyclists have an entitlement attitude) and it does nothing to change how I drive.  So give it up people.  We can all share the same space because there is plenty of room.

I drive and I walk and I bike (a lot), and I don't understand the conflict.  What is the big deal!  Chill out people!!  When I get beeped at while on my bike, it does nothing to change how I ride.  Sometimes when I am driving, a cyclist will do something arrogant and rude (some cyclists have an entitlement attitude) and it does nothing to change how I drive.  So give it up people.  We can all share the same space because there is plenty of room.


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