You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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You the stereo typical pain in the ass... No lights. Weaving in & out Lincoln. The Wrong freaking way. In the snow slush mess. Middle aged... on what looks like a stolen MTB.
I yell (because I am so ladylike) 'Wrong Way.... Dumbass!'
You 'Get a life'
'Got one. It's brilliant... Plan on keeping it too by obeying the laws!'
Then you serve in front of an SUV with no warning... Also, cutting me off. Get in front of us to turn. Flip me off.
'Still behind you, Dear.'
Ending up both going to the Y. Me to get my kid... And you presumably live there.
Arrrggghhhhh! You add to the general public hating those of us on bikes.
To the kid I am watching right now in the Pink Floyd hoodie, black trucker hat, grey Chrome bag, grey Nike kicks with day glow laces... yeah I will chill for a bit until you leave the Damen Brown line. Saw you eyeing a frame that punks like you have stripped and not let you get the front forks, yeah I looked at you, I am not waiting for anyone... don't take what is not yours. I like the way you went inside to throw me of.

To the driver of a silver car northbound on State St. at Monroe around noon - by what stretch of the imagination do you think it's okay and legal for you to 1) enter the intersection on a red light, 2) do so by nudging your way through a crosswalk full of pedestrians, and 3) continue by plowing through a crosswalk full of pedestrians on the other side of the intersection?  Three strikes and you're out - so far out. 

There's a special place in hell reserved for clueless idiots like you, and for the stupid cyclist who ran over the sidewalk from curb ramp to curb ramp, cutting off pedestrians while turning from Monroe onto State - just before the idiot driver showed up.

Yes, things come in threes, and there probably was a third driver or cyclist who was equally idiotic around that intersection then, but I didn't feel like sticking around to watch.  Seeing two was enough for one brief lunchtime walk.

To the cyclist... that watched my bike while I ran into MacDs to buy coffee to unfreeze my lock (and drink) - thank you! I should've bought you a coffee too but MacDs coffee is more of an insult than a thanks and I was frozen and frazzled. :)

(The locks I use overnight were fine so I stupidly assumed the mini locks I leave on my bike and take to work were fine too.)

hey rev - love the way you used the coffee to unfreeze the lock ?  very cool

Eric Roach said:

To the cyclist... that watched my bike while I ran into MacDs to buy coffee to unfreeze my lock (and drink) - thank you! I should've bought you a coffee too but MacDs coffee is more of an insult than a thanks and I was frozen and frazzled. :)

(The locks I use overnight were fine so I stupidly assumed the mini locks I leave on my bike and take to work were fine too.)
When in doubt coffee. :) I'm bringing them in tonight to dry out after pouring soup on them to get them off my rear rack.

dan brown 4.4 miles said:

hey rev - love the way you used the coffee to unfreeze the lock ?  very cool

Eric Roach said:

To the cyclist... that watched my bike while I ran into MacDs to buy coffee to unfreeze my lock (and drink) - thank you! I should've bought you a coffee too but MacDs coffee is more of an insult than a thanks and I was frozen and frazzled. :)

(The locks I use overnight were fine so I stupidly assumed the mini locks I leave on my bike and take to work were fine too.)

I made a connection with a woman who almost doored me while she was talking on her phone.  She told me I need to pay attention and look out for doors, called me a crazy person and walked off without ever halting her phone conversation.

She is going to have a missed connection with her drivers side mirror when she gets back to her car; I decided to take it because she obviously wasn't using it.

I need to ride your route and just ride head-on into this turd-swallower. As if I wasn't payng attention to him. It might give him something to think about. It would definitely make me smile.

Jenn_5.5 mi said:

You the stereo typical pain in the ass... No lights. Weaving in & out Lincoln. The Wrong freaking way. In the snow slush mess. Middle aged... on what looks like a stolen MTB.
I yell (because I am so ladylike) 'Wrong Way.... Dumbass!'
You 'Get a life'
'Got one. It's brilliant... Plan on keeping it too by obeying the laws!'
Then you serve in front of an SUV with no warning... Also, cutting me off. Get in front of us to turn. Flip me off.
'Still behind you, Dear.'
Ending up both going to the Y. Me to get my kid... And you presumably live there.
Arrrggghhhhh! You add to the general public hating those of us on bikes.

Thank you to the 3 moronic shit-stains that somehow thought that the flashing lights on my bike and helmet I am wearing 5 of them !) meant that they could just drive in the bike lane on Halsted (northbound from Archer to Cermak & Lockport) just because they were stuck in traffic this morning.

I thank you because I managed to vent some of my pent up energy on your vehicle after you speed into the BIKE LANE and hit my pedals, making me skid sideways, before slamming on your breaks knowing that you hit someone. I obviously came to a sudden and abrupt halt, which allowed me to kick the shit out of your car ! Screw you for not looking before you moved into what you think is your lane!!!!! (Don't make me wouldn't like me when I'm angry.)

Oh, and by the way, Have a Great Day !!!




Manny FU

glad you are OK that sounded close. glad the only damage was to the car

I have been known to roll lights, but when I do I try to do so carefully.  I think it's important that the people around me see me using caution while engaging in such actions.  I typically will stop pedaling and overemphasize looking in both directions before proceeding.  If the intersection is crowded I stop no matter what.

The idea is we don't want people thinking people who ride bikes are buttheads.  If you're blowing through lights with reckless abandon like an idiot you're really screwing the rest of us.  Those people you just pissed off are all voices we must now overcome to get more bicycle infrastructure and legislation. 

The bicycle is a civilized for of transportation, but only if bicyclists themselves are civilized.

Very well said.  I try to do the same when I ride; it makes no sense to stop completely at an intersection you can cross safely but you still need to not only be careful but make sure others know you are paying attention.

Jim Freeman said:

I have been known to roll lights, but when I do I try to do so carefully.  I think it's important that the people around me see me using caution while engaging in such actions.  I typically will stop pedaling and overemphasize looking in both directions before proceeding.  If the intersection is crowded I stop no matter what.

The idea is we don't want people thinking people who ride bikes are buttheads.  If you're blowing through lights with reckless abandon like an idiot you're really screwing the rest of us.  Those people you just pissed off are all voices we must now overcome to get more bicycle infrastructure and legislation. 

The bicycle is a civilized for of transportation, but only if bicyclists themselves are civilized.


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