You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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To the 4-5 eastbound cyclists on the Kinzie bike lane around 8:50 a.m. who blew through the stop at Clinton, failing to yield to the left-turning car that had the right of way: despite your stupid, dangerous behavior that gives bike-haters additional ammunition when complaining about cyclists and bike lanes, you all were at the same red light at Kinzie and LaSalle that I was (and I did stop for that car). Blowing the stop = no gain.

To the guy who crossed in the middle of the street on Wells tonight on my commute home without looking for bikes in the bike lane, you are an idiot!! I was riding north right past Eugenie St. and you walked right out in front of me without looking.  I stopped and let you walk but told you next time you should look. You told me you look for cars. I told you that bikes are traffic too. I hope next time you look for bikes too not just cars!! Or maybe the next cyclist you cross in front of should just hit you! 

Jeez, Derek!  That's a horrible story.  I'm glad you didn't fight.  If a fight breaks out, even if you're defending yourself, the cops can think that you're the aggressor.  It takes a lot to sort things like that out.


I was in a similar situation with a guy swinging at me.  Somehow I kept my wits about me.  When I saw the fight coming I took off my helmet right away.  I didn't want the straps to be a handle for the guy to start whipping me around with.  The guy kept lunging and threw a few swings.  Instead of swinging back, I just dodged and backed off, even though I could have easily tackled him.  This kept up for about 30 seconds until we attracted a lot of passers by and the attacker backed away.


If I participated in the fight, it would have looked like I was beating him up and the bypassers might have subdued me.  I'm a lot bigger than he was and it would have just looked bad.


I like your idea of keeping a bike between you and the guy.  That's supposed to be used against dogs too.  Same thing in your case!

I have been driving a bit the past few days and wanted to put up a few notes.

1. To the dude all wrapped up winter style with ski goggles at dusk northbound on Damen turn on your lights. I saw you had them. Whenthe sun starts to go down and car lights go on you become invisible to me in the car. Your all Ninja like and going to get hurt.

2. To the young lady northbound on Damen please angle your headlight down, your strobe like light was like a Japanese cartoon. Seriously you almost gave me a seizure as it flashed and flashed and flashed... Seriously please angle your lights down, please.

To the lady in the silver mini-wagon, stopping at the 4-way stop at Fulton and Elizabeth (8:20ish a.m.): yes, you stopped before I got to the crossing. Yes, technically you had the right of way. But when you see me slowing waaaay down and looking right at you and you then stop again, it SEEMS OBVIOUS that you're letting me go through the COMPLETELY EMPTY 4-way stop. So yelling out your window after you pass me that I should "follow the rules like everyone else" is more than pointless, it's just plain stupid. 

I still see plenty of Chicago Police on bikes; has anyone seen any serious patrolling of Dearborn?

I haven't had any problems lately, other than maybe the crossing button at Jackson from the trail to the city not working (and you don't get a walk signal and have to dodge traffic if you don't)?  I don't use it often though I cross the other direction all the time and that button works.

Tonight, for the first time in a while, there was an idiot a car in the bike lane on Dearborn at Petterinos.  As I was crossing the bridge on Dearborn, two CPD on bikes passed me. (I ride even slower than I usually do on that bridge.)  First time I have seen any bicycle police in a really long time.  I have no idea where they joined the lane or if they saw the idiot the car further south.

I'm a little confused. You want the first cyclist to use lights, but you want the second to angle hers down so they can't be seen? What's the purpose of the flashy-flashy if it's pointed at the ground? 

Tim S said:

I have been driving a bit the past few days and wanted to put up a few notes.

1. To the dude all wrapped up winter style with ski goggles at dusk northbound on Damen turn on your lights. I saw you had them. Whenthe sun starts to go down and car lights go on you become invisible to me in the car. Your all Ninja like and going to get hurt.

2. To the young lady northbound on Damen please angle your headlight down, your strobe like light was like a Japanese cartoon. Seriously you almost gave me a seizure as it flashed and flashed and flashed... Seriously please angle your lights down, please.

I often see bike cops on State St. near Madison/Monroe/Adams.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Tonight, for the first time in a while, there was an idiot a car in the bike lane on Dearborn at Petterinos.  As I was crossing the bridge on Dearborn, two CPD on bikes passed me. (I ride even slower than I usually do on that bridge.)  First time I have seen any bicycle police in a really long time.  I have no idea where they joined the lane or if they saw the idiot the car further south.

Not pointed at the ground, just not into the eyes of your fellow cyclists and cars. Think of your light like a car headlamp, angle it down so you do not blind others. Not that hard to understand, continually i see well meaning riders that have lights going but they are pointed up not towards the ground ahead. This girls lights lit up the intersection like a rave with all the reflections of the signs. O wanted to make the suggestion to her but she was rocking the ear buds...

Dovah Cat 10 mi said:

I'm a little confused. You want the first cyclist to use lights, but you want the second to angle hers down so they can't be seen? What's the purpose of the flashy-flashy if it's pointed at the ground? 

Tim S said:

I have been driving a bit the past few days and wanted to put up a few notes.

1. To the dude all wrapped up winter style with ski goggles at dusk northbound on Damen turn on your lights. I saw you had them. Whenthe sun starts to go down and car lights go on you become invisible to me in the car. Your all Ninja like and going to get hurt.

2. To the young lady northbound on Damen please angle your headlight down, your strobe like light was like a Japanese cartoon. Seriously you almost gave me a seizure as it flashed and flashed and flashed... Seriously please angle your lights down, please.

To the dude riding the fixie and going the wrong way down an one way street, thanks for the game of chicken when moved over to the right side of the street to get around a truck that was turning into a parking lot.  That was an awesome way to wake up and get alert before walking into work.

Dovah Cat 10 mi said:

I'm a little confused. You want the first cyclist to use lights, but you want the second to angle hers down so they can't be seen? What's the purpose of the flashy-flashy if it's pointed at the ground? 

Flashing lights are still visible if they're angled down.  With some of the brighter lights, you're essentially blinded if they're shining into your eyes.


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