The Chainlink

You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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What the heck was all that????  Maybe all comments, this one included, that the troll Hannah caused could be removed?  Why mess up a really nice thread.

Hannah Rose, you truly are a missed connection.

Maybe others should do the same... what a waste of time. I like this thread and dislike it when it goes off all tangent like.

Deposit a story and go.

Gabe said:

Troll has removed troll posts so I'll take down mine.

Gabe, sorry to get off topic and run your red light.  I'm rather new around here and wasn't aware of the rules, unspoken or otherwise.  I'll be sure to stick to the topic from now on.  Peace.  :)

Gabe said:

Joon, did we take a time machine back to the time of I Don't Give a Shit? You wanna debate use a different thread. This thread is clearly about Missed Connections. You only Missed the Point. :-)

Joon Kim said:

Have to disagree Gabe.  I cycle to work on Lincoln from Lawrence to downtown almost every day.  I would say less than 10 percent of bikers follow traffic rules, and I'm not just talking about rolling through stop signs.  The majority of cyclists blow through red lights, even when there is clearly traffic present.  I think cyclists in the US have to change their attitude toward traffic laws if we're going to continue to increase cycling and cycling infrastructure.  The problem is not just with 'bad cyclists'.  The problem is ingrained in our cycling culture which defends, denies and excuses unsafe riding practices.  Cycling in Europe is a completely different experience and everyone is expected to follow the rules.  There are even cycle specific traffic lights.  One of the biggest ironies is that unlike in Europe, almost everyone here wears helmets.  Just wish more members of the cycling community would use the head they're protecting a bit more.

Gabe said:

Registration comes all the time and always has but implementation and enforcement would be cost prohibitive and impossible. i have 3 bikes right now. Register all? 1 plate for all 3? and when the bike gets stolen should i expect CPD to look for it like they would a car?

More fun to just howl at the moon, or in this case, bad cyclists. (ps on 848 on NPR they had a mini-bike sumit and some random asshead caller said 70-80% of all bikers break traffic laws. 20-30% obey. with no logical or noted back up. so all the people that saw the 3 bad riders we noted will remember them ridin like idiots and not us stopping.) yay!

(Second-hand missed connection.)


You: Male, mid-forties, maybe a mustache, wearing a black and red jacket AND riding against traffic on Wabansia near Wood (heading west in east bound lane) this AM.

My GF: Expected you to move - you didn't, instead you stopped - so she had to pass between you and parked cars putting her in the door-zone. THE DOOR ZONE!


You: "Turd!"

My GF: "Excuse me?"

You: In a manner of a sniveling, mocking brat "Excuse me?"

Really? Is that your standard M.O.? I almost want to say that the worst of the worst is a cyclist that puts another cyclist in the door-zone, even if it is a quiet side street but I don't want to be mean. Is there a term to more easily describe/ identify these people? Argh!

bike on bike criminals.
Serge Lubomudrov said:

Fucking retards? . . . Oops, sorry, it's not PC.

Eric Roach said:

[...] Is there a term to more easily describe/ identify these people?

I would like to thank the 2 folks on my route today that showed me there is always something new to see when out for a ride even though I did not think there could be more shocking behaviour than open air drug deals, a contact high I get on my ride not only from the office but to it, the blatant disregard for turn signals and traffic signals.

1. Looking into the window of your Infiniti at the stop light a hearty thank you for the "phone porn" you had up on the screen of your smart phone, she is quite the lovely lady and awfully flexible.

2. To the fine young gentleman that was riding on the sidewalk heading in the opposite direction of me thanks for abandoning your crew of young fellows on foot to ride in my direction to say hello, nothing commands respect of your fellow man like playing chicken with them on a major thoroughfare.

During morning rush hour, going south on Wolcott, once you approach Lawrence, on the right hand sight of the street, there is a middle-aged male crossing guard sitting in car, waiting for the kids to show up. (Trumbull H.S. is on the south side of the intersection.) I've seen him, on more than one occasion, leafing through a porn mag.

Putting aside the fact that it is rather creepy that a crossing guard is looking at porn while he is waiting for the kids to show up, I have to say to him: Dude! It is 2012! Nobody reads girlie mags anymore. That is what we have the internet for!

Tim S said:

Looking into the window of your Infiniti at the stop light a hearty thank you for the "phone porn" you had up on the screen of your smart phone, she is quite the lovely lady and awfully flexible.

Chicagos finest... You almost "doored" me and your partner was out of the vehicle facing my direction!

C'mon guys look out for us! Check your mirrors.

#2 On my way home tonight some hood rats threw a bottle at me and it broke just past my bike. I was flying so lucky me.

To the B in the mauve Ford (?)...
I normally respect others properity, however, when you come within inches of my 7 year old son with you 2000+ lb car while playing with your phone as he is crossing the street, in a cross walk- with the light... you send me into crazy momma bear mood. The fact that my short legs could reach to kick the rear fendor while pushing my bike behind him, only confirms how close you were to hitting him. I truly hope I dented your car, you almost hit my kid!
Thanks to the guy crossing at the same time who yelled and got her car with his umbrella, I appreciate you sticking up for the little one.

To the joker in the Honda Pilot s/b on Wells @ North Avenue this morning - I am sorry that the Lexus in front of you was turning left, and I am truly sorry that my Hi-Vis jacket and gloves, as well as flashing headlight aimed straight ahead, were not visible enough for you, but kindly check your mirrors before crossing into the bike lane! I would like to thank you for reminding me why I don't skimp on brakes, and point out that your dick move didn't save you any time as I caught up to you 1/2 a block later.

To the person who put his or her not quite empty Qdoba cup in my milk crate near Diversey and Clark, I wanted to let you know that the large, metal bins with all the trash in them is the appropriate receptacle.  Thank you. 


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