You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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Waited for the green at Port Clinton rd to cross US 45 (Vernon Hills.) Next to me was a BMW sedan, also waiting to cross. The light went green, SB traffic stopped, nothing NB... but as the BMW & i rolled off came a blast of horn from a bloody great SUV that just managed to miss us both as its driver blew through the red at about 50+ MPH, never touching the brakes. The BMW driver & i exchanged startled looks, knowing we were about a 10th of a second away from getting killed.

Lesson learned: Don't depend on taking a cue from the drivers/cyclists around you, wait until ALL the traffic stops and keep an eye out for IDIOTS.

To the mustached man traveling south bound on Milwaukee today at about 10:30 am:

I passed you at the light on Milwaukee and Chicago as the light turned green, you were putting something in your backpack-- perhaps you took offensive at this somehow. A few blocks later you manage to pass me on my left in the curb protected bike lane (within what i can only imagine was a nano particle between us since I was already traveling more to the left side of the bike lane as it was) without so much as a whisper or a bell ring. I say, "Say on your left, man", you just shook your head. For the love of god, if you insist on passing people in protected bike lanes at least call it out.

Dearest Fixie Pixie on Clybourn this morning. Aside from being incredibly slow because you were always trying to gauge when to stop for a light a mile away (brakes do make this easier.) Your Pedal stroke is bad for you. Both your knees were rolling inward. Might wanna work on the form.

Was this a male or female "pixie"....? It's important.

But either way, can you please let them be them and ride at whatever pace or knee angle they like? This kind of post is why I haven't logged into this site in months or years. Gabe, you can do better. 

And your post, sarah, is why i hardly log in. You know you don’t have to read this right?

You just love to mansplain!

I get this thread in my email so I usually enjoy it. 

Happy Friday

Amusing,  but i asked a question. I didnt even explain , but now i did. Oh gods! . Best wishes.

I agree with Sarah here that everyone has different bodies and you should trust that they know how to ride better for their body more than you do.

Interestingly enough, a guy stopped me and my partner once, while riding on Clybourn in fact, this past winter. The light was red and he pulled up to my partner to tell HIM that i was riding with bad form without even actually acknowledging or even looking at me directly in the interaction. It was shaming, dehumanizing and made me feel weird for days! Let people be if safety is not a component!

How dehumanizing! Good thing literally none of that happened today!

Did you observe this from your commute on the Brown Line? :)

You: riding your bike on the sidewalk. Fast. 

Me: walking my dog, having to move way over to avoid getting run over. I’m not happy so I tell you to slow down if you are going to ride on the sidewalk (a sometimes necessity but honestly, he would have been fine in the street)

You: stopped your bike. Unintelligible angry gibberish followed by a “f**k you, b***h” because nothing says good morning like reckless biking followed by misogyny (I don’t think “b***h” was directed at Lily).

Why must you drive like this, Red Jeep IL Plate Z91 6185?


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