I've wanted to start this thread so many times this year. . . there have been so many beautiful, glorious days this year and each time I think "this is probably the last really beautiful day" and then another comes along.  Take yesterday morning-- what a wonderful combination of warm moist air and all the smells of autumn.

Bouncing this thread to the top heretoforth will be considered a declaration that said bouncer considers the day upon which the bouncing occurs to be the most beautiful day of the year.


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Agreed.  Hopefully Mother Nature will give us many to choose from . . . 

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

This morning surely qualifies for at least the second most beautiful day of the year. 

Perfect this morning. Wonderful fragrances at the moment-- I never realized until this year how fragrant some flowering trees are (e.g. crab apple.)  I spent half my ride musing as to exactly why fresh cut grass smells so much like cutting into a watermelon.

Hard to believe, but people who live in San Diego don't even notice days like today anymore, let alone treasure them.

Another reason I don't want to live in San Diego!

There are a lot of wonderful aromas in the air at this time of year - one of my favorite things about this season and why I'd much rather be riding or walking than in a car.

h' 1.0 said:

Perfect this morning. Wonderful fragrances at the moment-- I never realized until this year how fragrant some flowering trees are (e.g. crab apple.)  I spent half my ride musing as to exactly why fresh cut grass smells so much like cutting into a watermelon.

Jealous of anyone who's not stuck inside at work today.... beautiful ride across the west suburbs last night-- cool moist oaky air.. and beautiful on the way in this morning.

it was nice easy to cool down, light wind, great morning.


July 12, 2013.

The Most Beautiful Day of 2013!

Oh......my......it was a gorgeous sunrise.  I wanted to stay out all morning, but unfortunately my boss (me) reminded me I had a a lot of client work to do.   "Most Beautiful Morning of the Year" for sure....

Somehow, today was even nicer than yesterday.

Yes, so far this morning was absolutely the most beautiful one of the year.

Last night riding home from the Old Town school with zero wind was absolutely lovely.


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