I've wanted to start this thread so many times this year. . . there have been so many beautiful, glorious days this year and each time I think "this is probably the last really beautiful day" and then another comes along.  Take yesterday morning-- what a wonderful combination of warm moist air and all the smells of autumn.

Bouncing this thread to the top heretoforth will be considered a declaration that said bouncer considers the day upon which the bouncing occurs to be the most beautiful day of the year.


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Yes, so far this morning was absolutely the most beautiful one of the year.

Last night riding home from the Old Town school with zero wind was absolutely lovely.

Did a metric century in DeKalb in near perfect weather.  Not to hot, mild wind (sometimes even cool) and sun (not overpowering. Can't get much better.

Sunday was a great day to ride - Glenview to Evanston and back around. Hot! Lake was the most direct route but I didn't care for all the traffic. Anyone have a favorite alternative?


h' 1.0 said:

Today is definitely not the most beautiful day of the year. Whoever sent the heat and humidity can take it back.

What a nice ride in this morning.

Light traffic, brisk wind that seemed to come from every direction, the coolest temps in weeks and tons of cyclists out there.

I think today qualifies!  What a magnificent ride along the lakefront.  And then I caught every green light from Michigan to Dearborn on Madison!  And I turned on WFMT and one of my favorite pieces was playing.  Could not ask for a better start.

Hear, hear!  Absolutely perfect day.

Lovely day for a ride.

Nope, the Strauss Morgenblätter.  Although I have been enjoying everything since I came in including the Beethoven. :-)
h' 1.0 said:

Um.... the Beethoven?



7:26 am

Rodgers: "Oklahoma" "Oh, What A Beautiful Morning"

English Northern Philharmonia / Paul Daniel

Bryn Terfel

DG 449163-2

7:34 am

Ravel: "Le Tombeau de Couperin" "Rigaudon"

St Paul Chamber Orch / Hugh Wolff

Teldec 74006-2

7:37 am

Campra: "Rigaudon"

Michael Murray,Empire Brass

Telarc CD-80218

7:45 am

Walton: "Richard III" film music Excerpts

St Martin's Academy / Sir Neville Marriner

Sir John Gielgud

Chandos CHAN-8841

8:00 am


8:05 am

J Strauss: Waltzes, "Morgenblätter," Op 279

Chicago Sym / Fritz Reiner

Chicago Sym Orch

RCA 68160-2

8:14 am

Kreisler: "Miniature Viennese March"

Midori,Robert McDonald

Sony SK-52568

8:21 am

Vivaldi: Violin and Oboe Concerto in B-Flat, R 548

English Concert / Trevor Pinnock

Trevor Pinnock,Simon Standage,David Reichenberg,James Tyler

Archive 415674-2

8:34 am

Beethoven: Symphony #9 in d, Op 125, "Choral" 2nd mvt

Berlin Phil / Claudio Abbado

DG 469000-2 (5)

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

I think today qualifies!  What a magnificent ride along the lakefront.  And then I caught every green light from Michigan to Dearborn on Madison!  And I turned on WFMT and one of my favorite pieces was playing.  Could not ask for a better start.

Sounds perfect to me.  :)

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

I think today qualifies!  What a magnificent ride along the lakefront.  And then I caught every green light from Michigan to Dearborn on Madison!  And I turned on WFMT and one of my favorite pieces was playing.  Could not ask for a better start.

I think the thread title needs to be amended to "The most beautiful 3 weeks of the year"

Boy, these last 3 weeks have been beautiful all around. Most days on my way home I find myself looking for excuses to ride the long way home. Sometimes that is riding the lakefront, sometimes that is meandering the side-streets on my way home.


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