The stupid-argument factor has seemed to me to be a bit higher than it should be lately, so I thought I'd start a corrective thread. Post your humorous/unexpected/whatever GIFs here. About to hit 'send' on a snipe at someone else? Post a GIF instead!

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It looks like your footballs are underinflated, I mean your tires.

Tom A.K. said:
Great way to celebrate going to the Superbowl after beating the bumbling-pack. Good luck on that bike trying to get past the Pats in a couple weeks !

Haddon said:

Win a division title and go for a bike ride apparently.


Tom A.K. said:

It looks like your footballs are underinflated

Don't make fun of the bumbling-cutler, you'll wake him up.

WalkThroughWater said:

Tom A.K. said:

It looks like your footballs are underinflated

Caption said:  "You ever been so disappointed in a pit you just pretended you were in a canoe?

Classic. Cutler didn't see that coming either.

Tom A.K. said:

Don't make fun of the bumbling-cutler, you'll wake him up.

WalkThroughWater said:

Tom A.K. said:

It looks like your footballs are underinflated

Who's the dude wearing Crocs?!

That was a good Samaritan that I believe lived in the area when the police quarantined the area looking for the guy on the bike.  He ran up when he saw the cop struggling with the guy.

Its a weird story of sorts, but the guy was breaking into houses in Ohio or something.

I believe I remember seeing this news story. Everyone should be a 'good samaritan'!


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