The Father of Bike Lanes Was Photographed Without a Helmet

It's not necessary to *always* wear a helmet.

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Lots of roads and streets don't have bike lanes. 

Lots of riders don't wear helmets.

I see a pattern:

Geez, it's only a photo for an article.  Nothing to get bent out of shape over, helmet- or direction-wise.  If I thought my noggin was as safe without one, I wouldn't wear a helmet either.  However, on the south-side streets of Chicago, I'm looking for every protection I can find.  What others do is strictly up to them.  Illumination, however, is a whole different story.    

Just one of those hot topics. Should we throw in a discussion on hard stops vs. rolling stops and really get the party started? I have a match! ;-)

I think people are smart enough to understand.


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