The Father of Bike Lanes Was Photographed Without a Helmet

It's not necessary to *always* wear a helmet.

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I agree with his perspective and choice (with regards to helmet). 

Helment-less, and salmoning. Yeesh! ;-)

The caption on the Washington Post photo explains, " He's facing against traffic because the light was better."

Also those bike-share bikes are so slow that it probably does not matter much which direction one is riding. :)

Helmet tucked under arm would've been my choice for the pic.

Digging the Chicago sneakers!

I'm with you on that: "helmet tucked under arm".

And yeah, I have no prob at all that he swung around facing "wrong way" for the pic.

"Insert person" wouldn't be alive if it weren't for "my/his/her" helmet.

It's not necessary to *always* wear a helmet.

It's not "necessary" to have bike lanes.

"Love" the analogy.

It's not intended to be sarcastic.

No one can ever prove indisputably if a helmet ever saved anyone from anything but there is fair and strong reasoning that it could be helpful for certain situations. Bike lanes always end and usually at the point where things are most dangerous. It doesn't mean either or both are not helpful. I feel blessed to have access to both privileges.

If someone has asked the community to invest in biking safety infrastructure it would be best not to  give fodder to the antibiking folks that will surely see the helmetless man and cause trouble.

There was a time I was pretty pro-helmet and personally, I ride with a helmet 99.9% of the time. I don't think it should be the law because it discourages a lot of people from riding, making it seem less accessible. This could impact the growing popularity of cycling which is so important for infrastructure, dollars, and acceptance by the general population. For that reason, I try not to sweat other people's choices. I believe these are the same reasons he decided not to wear a helmet in this picture. 

I will pretty much always wear my helmet and most of the time (during the day too), I have taken to having a rear blinky light going when I ride to make me more visible to motorists. BTW, I really LOVE my helmet which is part of the reason I am ok with this choice. 

That's a fair and honest opinion. Thank you.

When I was a child I suffered a major concussion after falling off my bike while turning around in a driveway (in 1966 there was no such thing as a bike helmet). When I lived in the city in the early 90s I rode all over the city and never used a helmet.  I scoffed at the bike shop salesman for trying to sell me one with my new Trek. (BTW, at that time no one even had the idea of a bike lane.)  I started using a helmet only a few years ago as a commuter.

I guess the converted are always the most pious.

I'm so sorry to hear about your concussion. Your pov is completely understandable. I love companies like Kask, Giro and Nutcase for making beautiful helmets that people want to wear. 


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