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I'm a bikefat, Ford is a sedentary slug-person.

heather s said:
I would like to take this moment to say that there are fat people who ride bikes.

Also, Rob Ford is a tool.
I feel like 99% of the people in this city all have this ignorant idea that the roads were and are built just for thier stupid cell phone fecal faced rolling carcasses. Especially those moronic taxicab and bumbling busdrivers. Gaaaaah!

Sorry, had to vent after seeing the video and remebering fools like him.

H3N3 said:
You seem . . . tense.

Matt M. said:
Super mega fat ass with knee problems because of his fat assedness who will die early because of his fat ass health problems due to the fact that he doesn't bike to work or have bike lanes to bike to work on and never heard of bikers in Finland, Norway, or Poland. "I can't support" the idea of his genetic predisposition to being a lard ass simply, because well, he's a narrow minded jerk.
Don't be shy. Tell us how you really feel. ;)

Juan Dominguez said:
I feel like 99% of the people in this city all have this ignorant idea that the roads were and are built just for thier stupid cell phone fecal faced rolling carcasses. Especially those moronic taxicab and bumbling busdrivers. Gaaaaah!

Sorry, had to vent after seeing the video and remebering fools like him.
Yes there are. Unfortunately the jerk in the video is a fat person that hates bikes.

heather s said:
I would like to take this moment to say that there are fat people who ride bikes.

Also, Rob Ford is a tool.
....I see...boobs...

H3N3 said:
You seem . . . tense.

Matt M. said:
Super mega fat ass with knee problems because of his fat assedness who will die early because of his fat ass health problems due to the fact that he doesn't bike to work or have bike lanes to bike to work on and never heard of bikers in Finland, Norway, or Poland. "I can't support" the idea of his genetic predisposition to being a lard ass simply, because well, he's a narrow minded jerk.
good think most in Toronto are not like this chump. I was up north a few weeks ago and there were plenty of folks out there. He is simply a gas bag who says crap to get noticed. "It's all you Fault" attitude is akin to suggesting that a woman deserves it cause she dresses sexy... jerk.
I heart ROB FORD ....
What a HUGE mistake that was!

Without roads there wouldn't be so many cars. As an anarchist one of the arguments I hear against anarchism is "who would pay for the roads????"

Well maybe roads weren't all that great of an idea. Bikes can get by without much more than a packed wood-chip path most of the time. WHY in the heck did they think they needed ROADS?

I'm not anti-car -I'm anti ROAD.

Instead we should have had bike paths EVERYWHERE ;)

Peenworm Grubologist said:
"Roads are built for busses, cars and trucks, not for people on bikes."

The joke is that roads pretty much got paved from the start because cyclists lobbied for it.
M.A.R.K. said:
I kind of wish my city councilman/women were that blunt in their thinking and feelings, maybe we could actually get things done instead of pussyfooting around.. Looking up who he is, he truly seems to be a psycho and I would love to meet the people who elected him into office. On the Wiki page about him, he had this to say about the 2010 G-20 protests which saw 100's gassed and beaten and 1,000's arrested and detained in FEMA style prisons, "I don't think there should be an inquiry or review... I think our police force was too nice."/b>BR>
And watch out.. This year he is running for mayor of Toronto.

The truly scary part is that he was elected to office. How, why? because someplace MORE STUPID people voted than "smart" people? Did he just get elected on name recognition? I don't know his story, I don't really care to....
I am going to use this to state my political feelings...EVERYONE in office should be voted out, and family members of someone already in office should NEVER be voted in. We...VOTERS are creating these idiots and encouraging them to continue on......creating a royalty of sorts

I love "I think our police force was too nice"....sounds like something daddy daley would have said....
Democracy doesn't work!


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