Sunshine! Looks like it will be a beautiful day. Who's going for a ride?

I'll post pics from my ride in a bit (just getting ready to go out). I decided I will forget that I am fighting a cold because days like this should be enjoyed on a bike. 

How about you? Please share your pics, rides, tales, etc. here. :-) Happy bike riding!!

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I made the most of it- LFP, 606, Logan Square, Old Town (twice)...  This wasn't a day to waste!

How was 606? Was it super busy? I am wondering if it will continue to be super busy like last year.

I'm doing well on my goal of cycling all Chicago's community areas.  Covered
23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 today. West town to Austin, with stops in Humboldt Park, Columbus Park and Garfield Park.

Pix of a few sites, including this bridge to nowhere 

Jen, I love this pic. Thanks for sharing! I love that you are exploring the neighborhoods by bike. Hope to see more. 

Glad you had a good day riding. That interaction with the cop sounds pretty awful - joking or not, completely inappropriate. Good to hear you were able to put it behind you and take advantage of the sunshine.

On Saturday we rode north and I had as good a workout as I have had in a long while on the way back home. On Sunday we were smarter and rode south fighting our way into the wind and rewarded by a fast and easy ride back.  Here we are on the way home checking out the progress of the North branch extension while riding north on Central.


Very nice! Did you see the update Tom Z posted with pics of the trail extension?

Here are a few pics from Saturday. I had my heart set on a "donut ride" to Burlington (from Lake Geneva) with hills and headwind. One donut and two small iced lattes later, I was so happy to be back on my bike. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Unfortunately, the wind and my chest cold got the best of me so I had to ride on my trainer yesterday. Posting more pics in photos.


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