Haters gonna hate.

One Australian's humorous take on the haters:
"Do you hate cyclists? You are stupid and here's why"

Since our forebears first invented bicycles as a way of proving to horses that we could be fast too, they have boomed in popularity. Leaving noble competitors like the tricycle and the unicycle to be forever associated with the infantile and the insane, respectively.


Now bikes are on our roads and oh my God do some people absolutely positively fricken HATE that. “Cockroaches on wheels,” some dude with a beard and a microphone whose name temporarily escapes me once said. You only need to read the comments section on a tabloid story about bikes to realise that people have some fiery opinions about the subject. And why wouldn’t they. It’s a BIG deal in a there-are-probably-far-more-important-things-for-you-to-be-angry-about-right-now kind of way. The NSW government recently volunteered to be a conduit for that distaste by enacting a chunk of new super fines designed to keep bike riders honest. The laws have made infringements like not wearing a helmet, riding recklessly and not obeying traffic signals cost the price of a small unit in the inner city.


Sure cyclists can be annoying (but hey so can you – I mean, be honest) and some bike riders behave like reckless selfish morons. But when you stack up the benefits cyclists bring you, then it is clear that hating them in general proves you are a self-loathing idiot. Here’s why.

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Great stuff I love the jab at Lycra clad shoulder to shoulder folks at the end.

Why should it be OK to hate people in lycra? Oh, I know that they said three abreast but why mention the lycra?

I sure find elitist athletic types so annoying (be it at the gym, running or elsewhere), but I don't hate them, and I also wear "lycra" but that doesn't make me feel important, just comfortable.

Please understand, lycra is a material and not a behavior.

Yeah, my immediate reaction was, "what's wrong with wearing Lycra?" I wear it so I can comfortably do long rides. It doesn't make me a jerk, just makes me more comfortable on my bike. Sure, I dress "normal" when doing an in town or casual ride but nothing beats lycra and my road bike when I ride in a century or metric century. :-) Sincerely, Someone That Drank the Lycra Kool-Aid


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