@sshole driver caught on tape and fired from law firm

Just saw this on story on NBC 5. It happened three weeks ago, but I didn't see it posted on here. Here are links to the news story and the standalone YouTube video:



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I would bet a lot of money that the Ernesto they interviewed is our own Ernesto Lube on Chainlink.  I'd recognize those bike lane videos anywhere.

That is me.

Road rage drivers can be charged with a Class A misdemeanor that carries punishment of thousands in fines and jail time.  In my opinion, enforcement of that should be stepped up.

However the Youtube video captions highlight something we should consider: "I ride by and tap on his window to get his attention..."  

Do drivers tend to find that soothing, and react positively? Does that usually have a happy ending? Do they ever respond with "Wow is my face red, I'm so embarrassed, from here on out I resolve to be so much more careful..."? 

An aggressive driver's aggression usually escalates following provocation, substantially increasing the risk that they injure another driver, cyclist, or pedestrian. Regardless of fault, such engagements bring increased danger to everyone.  Somebody's father, mother or child.  

Would we use this video to teach cycling safety?  Only as, "Don't do this." 

Don't do this.  


Most cyclists don't carry a horn. 

I wonder if that ding-dong realizes how lucky he that the cyclist he decided to assault is the sort of person who records and posts stuff vs. the sort of person who likes to escalate things.

I commend the cyclist as a coolheaded because in that situation I would definitely not taken that shit and probably taken a mirror...

FFS. "A spokesperson for the city’s Department of Finance said parking enforcement aides have issued 1,856 blocked lane violations so far this year. There were 3,946 violations issued in 2018 and 3,460 violations issued in 2017."

I've personally submitted 1300 violations to BLU in less than 2 years, or an average of nearly 2 a day. I spend no more than 20 minutes a day in the bike lanes. The f*cking city has how many full time enforcers working for the Dept of Finance? If every one of them averaged only 2 an hour they'd each have 3840 a year. How on Earth can the entire department only get 3946 violations in a calendar year? They must spend 7 hours a day sitting in f*cking Starbucks.

Are the meter people city employees or is it a part of the private business that bought the meters? If it's the private company, I'm guessing bike lanes fall under city jurisdiction and the city cops don't really want to bother with bike lane parking. If it was enforced by the same people that do meters, I'm guessing more tickets would be issued. Maybe this is a shot in the dark but I always believed that it's more likely to get a meter ticket so people park in the bike lane because it's free and most likely they won't get a ticket. 

I believe the meter people and bike lane people are employees of the Finance Dept. The police generally don't give a rats a** about the bike lanes. The numbers quoted are from the Finance Dept.


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