Looking to possibly buy a Brooks Flyer, does anyone have an opinion about spring saddles ?

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I think the general rule is as long as the bars are higher than the saddle sprung is ok.

I have a Brooks B67 on an upright city bike. I really like it for this particular bike and how I use it - casual neighborhood rides, upright position. Having the springs does provide a bit of extra comfort.  For a more aggressive bike and riding style, I don't think that springs would be my choice.

A Champion Flyer uses the same platform as the B17 and as such is generally suited to the same sorts of cockpit setups as a B17 - it just gives you a bit of extra spring under certain conditions.

I rode a Brooks Flyer Special on my Surly LHT. When I sold that bike I put the saddle on my AWOLxPoler and rode it across the country. I'd say I've got roughly around 25k miles on it and it's only had a minor issue with the frame getting bent(I bent it back). 

I love the saddle and it fits me perfect. If you've got the time to break in leather, then it's a lifetime of comfort if you maintain it. 

I have the Flyer on my Trek MTB, love it!


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