The Chainlink

We need to start a campaign to get Gov. Quinn to sign the law enabling speed-cameras in Chicago.  It's sitting on his desk.
His contact-website is:

In the "Citizen Question" frame, just put "Speed Cameras"
In the "Citizen Request from just recommend or tell him to sign the legislation.  It has already passed both the House and the Senate and was sent to him for his approval.
This has been setting on his desk for some time.  My guess is that he wants to see what the public reaction is, and I suspect the car drivers and their clubs are encouraging him NOT to sign it.
You can also contact him at his Springfield office:
Office of the Governor        
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
Phone: 217-782-0244
TTY: 888-261-3336

or at the Chicago office of the governor:
Office of the Governor
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph, 16-100
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-814-2121

There are too many speeding cars in Chicago and we need something to slow them down.


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I don't understand why cyclists would be FOR speed cams. 

I also don't understand why this has to be an "us vs them" thing of motorists vs cyclists. I have no problem co-existing with cyclists - so long as there is a mutual respect. For me, the respect for cyclists comes in giving them a wide berth, regardless of where they are at. 

Cyclists on the other hand, shouldn't purposely dart in front of cars.

If you follow those rules, it will be pretty safe for everyone.

Speed cams are for revenue under the guise of safety. 

For all the cyclists, let me ask you this - what if you were required to have registration and plates on all your bikes? And if you ran a stop or a red light you get a ticket in the mail? Would you support that? Because cyclists do that all the time, and it's fine I have no problem with that, but just as I would be against any kind of cam enforcement relating to cyclists I ask that you be the same about cars. 

A far more effective way to be safe for cyclists would be the installation of more dedicated bike lanes like by Kinzie and Milwaukee, not speed cameras. 

The problem is that the thread doesn't establish anything.  Most of it is a bunch of people blustering and trying to justify why they should be able to go 10 or 20 mph above the speed limit because they are such great drivers.  Frankly, I'm fine with the speed cams and if it results in more people driving at or below the speed limits that's great. Even better if it helps to make up some of the city's budget shortfalls.

Frankly, it's a bit creepy that you've found Bob's post here, registered on chainlink to rail against speed cameras, and posted a link on everyblock to get people to come here and argue against the cameras.  Also, the hypothetical you pose about being against red light cams enforcement if bikes were made get license plates and registration to get cyclists to tell Quinn not to sign the law is rather absurd.

Geez, wotta trollfest!

h' said:

A bunch of motorists on Everyblock are upset that their right to drive recklessly is being threatened.


Bob, I think you'd have learned by now-- better not to bring some things up over there-- people who care about having a city that's safe for people that aren't in cars are still considered societal fringe-dwellers in 2011 Chicago.

Taras Hryniw said:

Wow ok so I just found this thread...

Check out

This is a VERY VERY long thread, originally started by Bob complaining about the speed cameras... most of the people on this thread are against speed cameras and we were coordinating over there to write letters to Quinn against the speed camera bill.

On that thread, we established how speed cameras in no way help cyclists. I don't bike too much myself, but I promote the installation of additional bike lanes which will be great for cyclists. I am for reducing the traffic in the city, and the more people who cycle the better the traffic. The speed cameras are only for revenue and to fear monger, nothing more.

Please don't fall into this fear mongering about speed cameras. There is no need for them and they don't benefit cyclists in any way. 

Write Quinn AGAINST speed cameras today!

This is a good question.

I can't speak for everyone, but like most people, regardless of the mode of transportation they choose for longer distances, I'm a pedestrian first and foremost, and I care about the safety of pedestrians above all else. It should be considered a basic human right to walk two blocks to school, or to a store, without flirting with death.

I live in a part of town that probably has the lowest per-capita car ownership (city-wide I've heard it's something like 33%-- I'd be willing to bet it's well above 50% in my neighborhood) and the highest percentage aged 18 and below per census data.  When I argue for technological solutions to out-of-control motorist behavior, I'm not thinking about cyclists-- I'm thinking about the children and adults on foot who've been creamed.  I'll spare you the links to specific recent tragedies.

Taras Hryniw said:

I don't understand why cyclists would be FOR speed cams. 

I also don't understand why this has to be an "us vs them" thing of motorists vs cyclists. I have no problem co-existing with cyclists - so long as there is a mutual respect. For me, the respect for cyclists comes in giving them a wide berth, regardless of where they are at. 

Cyclists on the other hand, shouldn't purposely dart in front of cars.

If you follow those rules, it will be pretty safe for everyone.

Speed cams are for revenue under the guise of safety. 

For all the cyclists, let me ask you this - what if you were required to have registration and plates on all your bikes? And if you ran a stop or a red light you get a ticket in the mail? Would you support that? Because cyclists do that all the time, and it's fine I have no problem with that, but just as I would be against any kind of cam enforcement relating to cyclists I ask that you be the same about cars. 

A far more effective way to be safe for cyclists would be the installation of more dedicated bike lanes like by Kinzie and Milwaukee, not speed cameras. 

I'm a pedestrian first and foremost, and I care about the safety of pedestrians above all else. It should be considered a basic human right to walk two blocks to school, or to a store, without flirting with death. ...  When I argue for technological solutions to out-of-control motorist behavior, I'm not thinking about cyclists-- I'm thinking about the children and adults on foot who've been creamed.

Howard - I am 100% with you on this.  There are too many deaths, and way too many close calls and pedestrians who have to wait and wait and wait and then risk their lives - all because a lot of drivers are too selfish to ease up on the gas for just a few seconds.  Most of the time they just won't do it, even though that's all it would take in many cases to allow peds to cross safely.

More on this pedestrian issue on EveryBlock at

Someone wants a stop light/sign on Avers and Foster.  There is NO car control signs for the entire 1/2 mile distance, like many other streets.


Naturally there's a lot of opposition to this from the cars-are-first crowd there as well.

Thanks, Anne.


I live in a part of town that probably has the lowest per-capita car ownership (city-wide I've heard it's something like 33%-- I'd be willing to bet it's well above 50% in my neighborhood) and the highest percentage aged 18 and below per census data.

Oops-- I knew that wasn't right. Was trying to express the percentage of non-car owners, not that of car-owners. Although the figure I've heard applies to car-free households; would be very interested in per-capita car ownership stats if they existed.

Looks like this is going to sit on Quinn's desk for another week potentially. If he doesn't veto by Feb 6 then the law will go into effect. Looks like most of the public is highly opposed. Rahm doesn't seem to care and wants to push this through regardless.  

I was in Poland last year and they have speed cameras. Over there they also take a picture of your face and you get points on your license if you get caught speeding. 

Not a fan of this bill.

Quinn signs Emanuel speed cameras bill into law - Gov. Pat Quinn signed a measure into law today that allows Mayor Rahm Emanuel to start using red light cameras to fine speeding drivers as much as $100 for violations.

Thanks, Gene!  This is good news.  My admiration for the Governor just increased ten-fold.  I was sure he was gonna cave in to the whining motorists out there.
Gene Tenner said:

Quinn signs Emanuel speed cameras bill into law

so not a fan... so not a fan.


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