I just had to share this.  Yesterday, I was riding eastbound on Sunnyside somewhere west of Lincoln Square, just enjoying the day.  As I passed an alley, I saw a dad and his daughter riding out of it.  The dad was sitting on his bike with a huge grin on his face.  As I passed, wondering why, I heard "I did it, I can bicycle" come from the little girl.  She just learned to balance and ride without training wheels.  

As I passed, I too, caught that big grin and kept it for the rest of the day.

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It's good to hear something like this once in a while.  Thanks.

Awww, that's really sweet. That'll be one of the happy memories she will have for the rest of her life. Thanks for sharing! 

That's beautiful!

The 606 is a great place to see newly-minted young cyclists.   I just feel happy being around them (and I don't mind slowing down and giving them plenty of wobble room).

I felt the same elation teaching my son to ride his balance bike last week, and he's not even two years old! He sees me come home everyday on my bike and couldn't wait to do it on his own. I spent a night in our apartment holding onto the rear rack to help him balance (and get used to the tippy feeling after riding tricycles), and by the next morning he was riding up and down the hallway on his own. 

Over the weekend he got his first outdoor ride and just wouldn't stop, riding it from our local park to LFP to join the other bikers (where I had to stop him due to the LFP traffic, much to his protestation). I was smiling the whole way, a proud dad. (Of note, he does have a helmet and he likes to wear it, but I couldn't find it on our outing.)

Thanks for sharing. What a great story. He's going to be unstoppable by the time he's five.


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