Not much of a reposter but OMG

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Luckiest biker meets worst drivers. 

Astonishing interpretation.

clp said:

And the biker was "salmoning" up the left side of the road too, against traffic flow.  If he'd been on the right side, where he should have been, he would have been completely in the clear, and out of danger.

It looks to me as tho the red oncoming car moved over to the left to accommodate the biker, and clipped the front end of the truck.  So perhaps the biker caused the accident.

Please watch it again.

clp said:

And the biker was "salmoning" up the left side of the road too, against traffic flow.  If he'd been on the right side, where he should have been, he would have been completely in the clear, and out of danger.

It looks to me as tho the red oncoming car moved over to the left to accommodate the biker, and clipped the front end of the truck.  So perhaps the biker caused the accident.

Unless you know the local traffic rules, it is impossible to determine who's at fault here. Looks like one of the cars failed to give right of way to the other, but that about all you can conclude.

clp said:

And the biker was "salmoning" up the left side of the road too, against traffic flow.  If he'd been on the right side, where he should have been, he would have been completely in the clear, and out of danger.

It looks to me as tho the red oncoming car moved over to the left to accommodate the biker, and clipped the front end of the truck.  So perhaps the biker caused the accident.

The bike was pretty much in the crosswalk which, if you look at the video, seems to start at the burb line of that road.

Way to just say some inflammatory crap about something you know very little about. 

clp said:

And the biker was "salmoning" up the left side of the road too, against traffic flow.  If he'd been on the right side, where he should have been, he would have been completely in the clear, and out of danger.

It looks to me as tho the red oncoming car moved over to the left to accommodate the biker, and clipped the front end of the truck.  So perhaps the biker caused the accident.

Nice job offering insult to someone who simply posted their opinion.

>"Way to just say some inflammatory crap about something you know very little about. "

MODS: Why do you put up with this guy? Just kick him out for 3 months, what is the harm? I'm sorry this isn't the front lines of freedom of speech it's a bike board in the middle of the country. Someone had an opinion and perhaps there could have been a discussion about bike safety and notorious comes along and offers ire and insult. And 'clp' who posted a little thing and is out there wondering why she is getting dumped on for really, no reason. She may well visit and post less, the site suffers.

Why does the chainlink let itself get treated like a toilet? This is the sort of rude chilling effect that turns many people off. I'm leaving the chainlink for a couple months at the least. It's unbelievable to me that you would bend over so hard to appease the rude at the sake of so many others.

notoriousDUG said:

The bike was pretty much in the crosswalk which, if you look at the video, seems to start at the burb line of that road.

Way to just say some inflammatory crap about something you know very little about. 

clp said:

And the biker was "salmoning" up the left side of the road too, against traffic flow.  If he'd been on the right side, where he should have been, he would have been completely in the clear, and out of danger.

It looks to me as tho the red oncoming car moved over to the left to accommodate the biker, and clipped the front end of the truck.  So perhaps the biker caused the accident.

I was done I need to note:

I had not thought the word "occasionally" could be deployed as barbed, it had never even occurred to me.

Beyond the tolerance of the emotionally needy, the admiration of free speech ideas, the unwillingness to provide abusers with agency - sometimes a word here or there can level. 

PS Obviously the rider was on the wrong side of the road, OBVIOUSLY.

clp said:

PLeeeese!  No censorship or bans on my account!   I'm just one of the people that for years, has made DUG see red.  And I can usually count on a belittling and insulting response from him to any of my posts on ChainLink.  Dunno why.

But DUG occasionally posts something worth reading.  So I LIKE having him here..even tho I take personal grief from him, and his writing skills are shaky ("burb" instead of "curb" above?)  

And BTW, that biker WAS riding on the wrong side...right?

Exactly. We don't know the traffic laws there, so we can't make assumptions about using the crosswalk.

h' 1.0 said:

We don't know enough about this intersection or local laws in this part of Russia to judge who was in the right and who was in the wrong, but someone more familiar thought it was clear the red car was supposed to stop.

For all we know it's required that cyclists cross in the crosswalk there.  And the cyclist was not riding in the roadway.  I can't see any reason for suggesting the cyclist was "salmoning" other than to stir up conflict-- nice job.

You can't tell from looking at it.  The crosswalk is only on one side - the side the cyclist was on.  Perhaps there was an off-road pedestrian/bicycle path.  There's a section of this type of path along Rowling Road on the west side of the street in Rolling Meadows.  Several side streets, and Euclid Avenue have to be crossed by riding northbound, on the "wrong" side of the road.

Unrelated: what's that crossed-over hand signal sign in the upper right corner of the frame mean?  Also note that the cyclist was the first to rush over to the truck to aid the driver, presumably.

Anne Alt said:

Exactly. We don't know the traffic laws there, so we can't make assumptions about using the crosswalk.

What rule did I break? 

FYI, staying on topic IS a rule.


Haddon said:

Nice job offering insult to someone who simply posted their opinion.

>"Way to just say some inflammatory crap about something you know very little about. "

MODS: Why do you put up with this guy? Just kick him out for 3 months, what is the harm? I'm sorry this isn't the front lines of freedom of speech it's a bike board in the middle of the country. Someone had an opinion and perhaps there could have been a discussion about bike safety and notorious comes along and offers ire and insult. And 'clp' who posted a little thing and is out there wondering why she is getting dumped on for really, no reason. She may well visit and post less, the site suffers.

Why does the chainlink let itself get treated like a toilet? This is the sort of rude chilling effect that turns many people off. I'm leaving the chainlink for a couple months at the least. It's unbelievable to me that you would bend over so hard to appease the rude at the sake of so many others.

notoriousDUG said:

The bike was pretty much in the crosswalk which, if you look at the video, seems to start at the burb line of that road.

Way to just say some inflammatory crap about something you know very little about. 

clp said:

And the biker was "salmoning" up the left side of the road too, against traffic flow.  If he'd been on the right side, where he should have been, he would have been completely in the clear, and out of danger.

It looks to me as tho the red oncoming car moved over to the left to accommodate the biker, and clipped the front end of the truck.  So perhaps the biker caused the accident.

Only ones that your parents should have passed on to you, alas.

Don't go pushing your personal value system on me; at least I'm nice enough to not bring peoples parents into things.  How rude, I am wildly offended.

I broke no rules of this forum so what reason is there for me to be reprimanded?

You, however, went off topic which means you DID break a rule.

I suggest banning you for three months.

Of course, you said you were going to be leaving so no real point in that, is there?

Haddon said:

Only ones that your parents should have passed on to you, alas.


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