9/20/12 Damen from Division to Jackson is "Rough Grooved Surface." Plan accordingly.

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Smooth as a baby's bottom and that sure is nice. As you know, I don't have much choice but to ride Elston between North and Cortland, and it's been fine. When I left yesterday evening there was a long line of backed-up traffic but no four-lane driving. This has been typical.

Thanks for the updates. Please keep us posted. I've been taking Clybourn while it's been torn up.

Lane markings down on Elston north of North Avenue.  I get on at Cortland, so cannot report on north of Cortland.

Loomis is resurfaced between Cermak and just south of the bridge over the canal. The lane markings are not done yet so expect some continued work.  Hopefully the bike lanes will be better marked and buffered.

The old surface was in pretty terrible condition, so this is great to see so far.

No plates on the bridge yet, and the the drainage issues don't seem entirely resolved. 

I discovered apparent sewer work being done on Ravenswood, east side about a block-ish south of Foster. Simple sidewalk detour but not well lit at night- exercise caution.

(And thanks to the guy that warned me about the "20 ft. hole" as I approached.)

I noticed something interesting on 31st St. last night. Starting around King Dr. and continuing over to the Dan Ryan, there are CONCRETE barriers going in, creating real barrier protected bike lanes. 


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