9/20/12 Damen from Division to Jackson is "Rough Grooved Surface." Plan accordingly.

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There is green thermoplastic in the bike lane on Washington east and west of Clark!

I've been closely watching the progress of those lanes, and I still have no idea what they intend to do between Franklin and Clinton.  An obvious step would be to add plates to the bridges.

The repaving of Elston north of North Avenue appears to be underway.  Pavement in strips of "rough grooved surface".   Not a good place to ride right now, though.  Posted signs say no parking 11-5-2015 to 12-19-2015.

Yup, Elston from North Ave all the way to Webster is really bad. Avoid that stretch if you can.

My office is off of Elston near the Home Depot, and I will be very glad to finally have non-shitty pavement here.

Yeah, this was one of the areas most in need of repaving. Hopefully we'll get good lane markings on northbound Elston at Ashland

Yeah that whole stretch between Cortland and Ashland is a mess. We need proper bike lane markings since drivers always turn that bit into two lanes. The right turn onto northbound Ashland should have 2 right turn lanes and 1 lane to proceed northwest on Elston. Elston really doesn't need 2 northbound lanes on that 40 foot stretch between Armitage and Ashland. 

Absolutely agree with this. Ideally, a bike-specific light would be added to allow bikes to proceed north on Elston without motor vehicle traffic moving at the same time to really reduce the danger of vehicles cutting over through the bike lane.

Paving crews were hustling today (Friday) to get a layer of asphalt onto Elston before the weather arrived. Not done yet, but not such a rodeo to ride any more.

They were still paving yesterday, but the right lanes in both directions were done. So much better to ride that stretch now. Wonder how long the lane markings will take.

Elston paving is complete. Center lane markings installed in some locations, still no bike lane markings which is tempting motorists to make it a 4 lane road.

More interestingly, it seems that they are redoing the lanes at the Armitage intersection to force motorists to choose either Elston or Ashland North of the intersection. This should reduce the amount of people taking a right from the Elston through lane, greatly improving the intersection for cyclists.

Smooth as silk riding home from class tonight! But without those lane markings I wouldn't dare ride Elston between North and Ashland during evening rush hour. With the parking restriction leaving the right lane open I can't imagine it would be safe. 

I'm interested to see how they handle the intersection with Ashland since that's never a fun one to ride through especially going north. 


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