9/20/12 Damen from Division to Jackson is "Rough Grooved Surface." Plan accordingly.

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Construction is about to start on Vincennes between 83rd and 84th. Yes, folks, the infamous viaducts from hell are finally going to get repaving and better drainage. Happy dance soon.  :)

And I've heard this week that it's done. Time for that happy dance. With new bike lanes from 84th to 76th, and better lighting under the viaducts. Hoping to ride it this weekend.

Rode Damen southbound over the bridge through Fullerton on Saturday night. It was not bad, even with traffic. A little tight with the cars on your left and the concrete barrier on your right. Caveat: the cars were all stopped when I was approaching the Fullerton intersection. Still, it felt "doable" to me.

EB Belmont is being ground up just west of the river - roughly between Rockwell and California.

On Clybourn, the 2 blocks east of Halsted are all tore up. Lots of construction trucks and activity so hopefully it gets re-paved soon. 

If you're riding in Beverly, be aware that there are a few bumps along the north side of 99th St. Nearly all the side streets from Western to Beverly have a short strip that's ground down for repaving. Also be aware that many drivers are coming to a complete stop or near stop when they start to turn from 99th and see the bumps.

Sections of Wood St. are ground down for repaving from 103rd to 99th. Hopefully that will be fixed soon and Wood will be restored to its former excellence as a bike route. 

Streetscape work continues around 99th & Walden. Sewer-related construction continues on streets between Wood and Prospect, 99th Pl/Beverly Glen to 102nd. That section of Prospect is still a partial mess. Looking forward to repaved streets there someday...

Ground-down areas adjacent to 99th are now paved. Wood St. is now paved.

Streetscape work around 99th & Walden continues.

Makes a world of difference in the ride.

There's a bit of SB Milwaukee between California and Armitage that was being milled this morning.

And finally a beautiful weekend to ride!!

In recent weeks I've noticed new pavement and striping (finally!) in some areas where I ride, including:

31st St. east of the Ryan
Prospect between 99th and 103rd

Has anyone seen Harrison recently between Financial Pl and State?  Has it finally been repaved?

It's paved and painted as is south of Roose Halsted.


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