9/20/12 Damen from Division to Jackson is "Rough Grooved Surface." Plan accordingly.

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Does anyone know the current status of Milwaukee south of Irving Park? At one point there was construction and I want to say it was one-way NB for a stretch.

The section that had been all torn up is fine now, but now it looks like Water is about to tear up the street from Belmont on north to Addison.

6/27/14 - SB Milwaukee just north of North and Damen. Crews are working on a building there, so they've build a concrete pedestrian walkway in what used to be the SB traffic lane, significantly narrowing the street. Here are the choices that I see for those on bikes:

1. Ride on the NB lane to get past the line of cars to the intersection.

2. Wait in the line of cars and experience the hell that they do when the light changes but traffic doesn't move because other cars have blocked the intersection.

3. Dismount and take the pedestrian walkway.

1 is by far the most popular choice, but I feel like 3 is the only reasonably safe one. Maybe if I were more of a morning person I'd feel differently. Oh well, it was nice to have 3 or 4 weeks in which Milwaukee Ave wasn't a total clusterfuck.

I've informed CDOT of the situation here. The developer was informed they are not complying with the permit/rules & regulations and needed to fix this ASAP. The developer then had a meeting with CDOT to discuss further. Expect a change today or early next week. 

David Altenburg said:

6/27/14 - SB Milwaukee just north of North and Damen. Crews are working on a building there, so they've build a concrete pedestrian walkway in what used to be the SB traffic lane, significantly narrowing the street. Here are the choices that I see for those on bikes:

1. Ride on the NB lane to get past the line of cars to the intersection.

2. Wait in the line of cars and experience the hell that they do when the light changes but traffic doesn't move because other cars have blocked the intersection.

3. Dismount and take the pedestrian walkway.

1 is by far the most popular choice, but I feel like 3 is the only reasonably safe one. Maybe if I were more of a morning person I'd feel differently. Oh well, it was nice to have 3 or 4 weeks in which Milwaukee Ave wasn't a total clusterfuck.

16th St. from Indiana to Wabash - water main work. Good idea to avoid this one for a while. Loose stone, trenches and steel plates. Much of this is NOT rideable right now, and it has its challenging spots for peds.

103rd St. from Longwood east towards Prospect. Also a water main project. 103 (103rd St. CTA bus) is detoured for the duration of the construction. It IS rideable evenings/weekends when they're not operating construction equipment but use caution - loose stone, trenches and steel plates.

Wow - that's good news. Thanks for bringing this to CDOT's attention! Do you know what rules and regs are being violated?

Steven Vance said:

I've informed CDOT of the situation here. The developer was informed they are not complying with the permit/rules & regulations and needed to fix this ASAP. The developer then had a meeting with CDOT to discuss further. Expect a change today or early next week. 

David Altenburg said:

6/27/14 - SB Milwaukee just north of North and Damen. Crews are working on a building there, so they've build a concrete pedestrian walkway in what used to be the SB traffic lane, significantly narrowing the street. Here are the choices that I see for those on bikes:

1. Ride on the NB lane to get past the line of cars to the intersection.

2. Wait in the line of cars and experience the hell that they do when the light changes but traffic doesn't move because other cars have blocked the intersection.

3. Dismount and take the pedestrian walkway.

1 is by far the most popular choice, but I feel like 3 is the only reasonably safe one. Maybe if I were more of a morning person I'd feel differently. Oh well, it was nice to have 3 or 4 weeks in which Milwaukee Ave wasn't a total clusterfuck.

New bike lanes painted on Noble between Augusta and Erie.

Not sure how I feel about it, honestly! Noble has always been a nice, calm street for riding. Now I feel like whenever I see someone double-parked in the bike lane my blood pressure will rise, whereas before I wouldn't even have noticed.

How ironic is that:((

Alex Z said:

New bike lanes painted on Noble between Augusta and Erie.

Not sure how I feel about it, honestly! Noble has always been a nice, calm street for riding. Now I feel like whenever I see someone double-parked in the bike lane my blood pressure will rise, whereas before I wouldn't even have noticed.

Unfortunately, this is the city picking the low hanging fruit to add to the numbers of bike lanes.  That stretch is about the easiest part of the city to ride on, and bike lanes are superfluous.

+1  VERY useful for me and some other folks I know.  :)

Lisa Curcio 6.6mi said:


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