Anne was not super active on Chainlink, but she was an enthusiastic cyclist who knew some very active Chainlinkers, so I thought I would post here the very sad news about her passing. I'm still in shock myself.

Anne and I rode together what seems like countless times, including once almost 6 years ago to the day, where she pulled me out of my funk for a January ride to Three Floyds for lunch and beers. We rode to Flossmoor to catch the train back and picked up a growler at Flossmoor Station, which we consumed on the train ride. Yes, that's a copout, but it was damn cold and some parts of the usual route were covered in snow too deep to ride.

Wherever she is, I hope she has access to all the horses and bikes she cares to ride, and all her bikes are equipped with flat-proof tires. RIP, Anne.

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This is really sad news. Brett was friends with her as well. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Anne was good people.

Very sorry for your loss.

I saw her a few weeks ago at a Christmas party. She was so happy, looking forward to her vacation. It's horrible that it would end like this.

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