Of course, it's a speaker or only in one ear. Let's not devolve into a debate on how we listen to tunes, k?

Ok, that said. I have a "cadence mix" I used to use when I did training rides. 

What music makes you happy when you ride?

I'll throw a few out there - I like listening to ELO e.g. "Turn to Stone", "Livin' Thing", "Don't Bring Me Down", "Mr. Blue Sky"

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Once her Brompton arrives, my sweetheart and I plan to ride our Bromptons in bear onesies to the tune of Elvis' 'A Little Less Conversation':


hahahaha. Upload video or it didn't happen! ;-)

Her bike isn't arriving until late April, so you'll have to be patient! :)

I use a usb speaker on my shoulder strap. This playlist changes now and then. 

https://youtu.be/eLVINXjUF20  (4:50) Ramblin' Man - Allman Bros.

https://youtu.be/9QiTXIzrVYk  (8:07) PPK - Resurrection

https://youtu.be/HOY6Sd9Q82Y (9:23) K.C. & S.B. - Keep it Comin' Love

The PPK would cozy up alongside the Kraftwerk quite nicely.

Seriously, for many years I thought the name of that song was "Keep It Common Law".  I also thought the Clash song was called "Rock The Cash Bar".

Bob Seger: Roll Me Away

"You can't always get what you want", but if you try sometimes, you'll find, you get what you need...  https://youtu.be/zvhHB_1KEzM  (7:27) Get well Mick!

Umphrey's McGee w/ Chicago Mass Choir 11-26-11 'Thank You Chicago!'. . .

Handlebars - Flobots (3:29)


As an antidote to all that ELO (okay, in true confession, I like ELO, fan of ELO before it became a "guilty pleasure", before it became retro-hip.) But still, too much sugar rots yer teeth -- here's some fresh fruit for rotting vegetables!


The music of Django Reinhardt on a warm day makes me feel like I live in the first act of a romantic comedy.



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