If the weather is nice, going for a ride seems far more fun to me than fighting it out at a crowded store. Plus, I love my sleep too much to be at any big box at 3 am to go shopping. How about you? What do you typically do on Black Friday? 

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I think it's a great idea to step away from shopping and enjoy "the great outdoors". 

What I always do on "Black Friday": Anything but shop.

I was really jazzed when I received the e-mail alert from REI last evening.  Kudos to REI!  I hope their employees appreciate a day off to spend how they choose.  

Props to REI all the way.  Black Friday and everything surrounding it has become absolutely disgusting.  

This is awesome.  Maybe someday other larger retailers will follow. 

Cheers REI. I smiled when I got their e-mail telling me about this.  I think it's good business anyway.  This  speaks to their core audience and anybody who really has to shop can do so online which is  how I do most of my REI shopping these days including the cool Nutcase I am having delivered to my out of state daughter for her birthday. 

Since I hate shopping anyway, and absolutely abhor the thought of being any where near a retail establishment on "Black Friday", I laughed out loud with pleasure when I received the e-mail from REI.  I won't be in Chicago, but I plan to have my bike with me and will be out riding off some of the Thanksgiving overload.

That's fantastic. I feel good about shopping at REI as well and this makes me happy to know they are giving their employees a break. 

I'm not so sure about that... I haven't heard that from anyone else.

My guess it probably means product will not be pulled until Saturday. Just a guess on my part.


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