Hi, everyone: This is John Keilman with the Chicago Tribune. I'm doing a story about the annual assault of the red-winged blackbird, and I'm looking for people who have good recent stories about tangling with these bad-tempered birds (I have some stories of my own), or who can tell me where I can find a good spot to get photos and videos of blackbirds doing their thing. Thanks very much! 

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The south and north ponds (especially the boardwalk around the south pond) in Lincoln Park are great places to see and photograph red-winged blackbirds in action. I am around both frequently, and they are quite active (although its been a couple of years since I've been attacked). I used to walk the south pond daily, and had to wear a hat to protect against the one bird that really did not like me!

Thank you, Ken. Lincoln Park does seem to be a hot spot. 

The North Branch trail up to the Botanic Garden in certain areas where the trail goes thru forests for long stretches. 

The the Skokie Valley Bike Path, between Lake-Cook Road and Rockland Road.

This seems to happen in the early part of summer.  I suspect the have nests near the ground and they're protecting their territory.  Sort of like an inverted cone and it's only when you intrude in this territory they want you gone.  To avoid the attack, go fast.


The Blackbirds of Grand Ave are notorious. I'm too terrified to go back and check if they've returned this summer.

This is a magpie attack, but still worth referencing, even if it's just for humor.


Sharing the article that John Keilman wrote on 6-22-17.

The article mentioned that, "the birds don't typically touch humans". The blackbirds of Grand Avenue in the recent past whacked you hard on the head/ helmet numerous times.

It's been a few years, but I remember a few menacing birds on North Brach trail just North of Lawrence.

Also, this came out today.


I encountered a few while riding in Riverdale yesterday. Fortunately I just got a warning, not an attack.

Red Wings love to sit on the highest branch they can find and sing their little hearts out.


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