I think I'm starting to grow fins!

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I'd rather be dry inside eating my nacho chips than trying to be macho.
Lol. I can also eat nachos inside and still be macho...not mutually exclusive things here;)

Juan said:
I'd rather be dry inside eating my nacho chips than trying to be macho.
Menards has full rain suits (coat + pants) for $14.  I invested, and only use the coat, so worth it.  Especially while biking the loop to dozens of destinations from 10-5, mon-fri. 

kiltedcelt said:
I noticed on Monday that I passed considerably fewer southbound commuters on the LFP than I usually do. Fair weather commuters? Of course I wussed out on Tuesday because my so-called rain jacket simply gets wet and then leaks completely through. The leaking, coupled with no breathability means I arrive to work pretty much soaked through. I'm hoping the rain breaks or my new jacket arrives before I have to go back to work on Friday.

Melissa Ferguson said:
I was soft this am and did not ride.  It was a good day to sleep in, which necessitated a taxi ride.  That said, I typically LOVE riding in the rain, because it means the lakefront path is pretty much clear of all the folks who don't have a clue what they're doing!!!!
I know!  I had a ton of errands to run this morning and the constant rain/not rain/too wet/too warm fluctuations were driving me crazy, esp. after this week of raininess.  It doesn't help that neither my rain pants nor my rain coat are waterproof anymore.  Has anyone ever had any luck w/REwaterproofing gear?  I've tried it before w/my last rain jacket and it didn't work at all.

Chris C said:



I'm envane and I support this message.

Is it sunny where you are?  In the last hour, sun has returned to the southwest side, with a brisk breeze.  I'd almost forgotten what sun looked like.  ;)
So much for that thought.  Now it's pouring again.  *sigh*  Looking forward to Friday...


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