I think I'm starting to grow fins!

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yes. I am getting tired of putting on wet rain gear to ride home in. I have clean dry work clothes at work...but no access to the dryer at the company fitness center. guess I will quit whining. tomorrow is supposed to be nice...fingers crossed.



The rain isn't all that bad- it only happens when I start to ride :p


When I get to my destination, it usually stops. Go figure :)

I'm ready to see the sun again - for more than 5 minutes at a time.
Fins would help.
When I get to work, it's hard to tell if I'm sweaty or wet from the rain.
I was soft this am and did not ride.  It was a good day to sleep in, which necessitated a taxi ride.  That said, I typically LOVE riding in the rain, because it means the lakefront path is pretty much clear of all the folks who don't have a clue what they're doing!!!!
Riding in the rain is fun when it's not full on downpour, and the side streets like Hubbard are clear and fast. Plus, who doesn't like to skid in the rain? All that being said, it would be nice to see the sun sometime this week.
I've been lucky as I rode to work in between the storms but yeah a week straight. yuck.

It's a super soaker today!


Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

I think the Tribune jinxed it when they posted the prediction for a warm, dry fall! 




Maybe we're just getting a season's worth of rain out of the way in a single week!

I watch the radar with great luck as I time my commutes for no rain to light drizzle.

I've been enjoying it. You can warm up when it's 60 degrees in the rain without any rain gear. In fact, when it's not cold, wearing any kind of waterproof gear will make me sweaty. I've just been wearing swimming shorts, some open shoes, and a shirt. When I get to work, change into regular clothes  and dry the wet clothes.


Definitely helps to have milk crates, panniers, etc. You can put the spare clothes/backpack in the cargo area and waterproof it with a large trash bag. It's always more comfortable anyways to have stuff not on your back.


I try to look at it with persepective. If this was the beginning of spring, I'd be ecstatic to have the temperature we're having now, regardless of rain.


Also, it makes me feel very "macho" to not be intimidated by some mere H20:)


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