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This is my monstrously fat cat Orson, 30 pounds of feline love machine.

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The chainlink has gone to the dogs.

Yasmeen said:

One of Chainlink's employees caught napping on the job before a big deadline. It's a ruff job but he gets paid in kibble and cuddles.

Very cute, Willow! I'd scoop them up in a heartbeat but I have 3 fosters of my own, one of which who presently seems like she has no intention of ever leaving my lap.
Little Bill :) always resting

awww kitteh :-)

Knowing how much we love our Chainlink pets, I thought I'd start a fundraiser to help local shelter, One Tail at a Time. 

One Tail at a Time, NFP is a no-kill, all-breed dog rescue that serves to lower euthanasia rates in the greater Chicagoland area and provide education on the humane treatment of companion animals. The rescue concentrates its efforts on dogs that are in danger of being euthanized, or those that are ...

Heather, the head of OTAT is an avid cyclist and parent of Rude Dog

If you are able to help, your donation is much appreciated. Thanks!!

Several months ago I took Lily on a backpack walk and she loved it. We went shopping, she lasted 2+ miles without incident. It was great. It gave me hope to one day acclimate her to riding on my back while I'm on my bike. 

I bought the proper backpack and a pair of doggy goggles. It's been really hard to get her to get into the doggy backpack and stay in the doggy backpack. I need to keep trying but she is really stubborn so she hasn't yet experienced her first bike ride. Hopefully some time this summer? 

So cute!  The sporty pink sunglasses are great. 

Ha! Thanks!! I am trying to get her used to them so that when she does ride, she doesn't get bugs in her eyes.


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