Tomorrow is the 2nd Saturday of the month and that means Palmer Square Kidical Mass.  The ride gathers at 10:30 AM in the center of the park by the children's playground with the bunny statues.  The ride starts at 11:00 and goes for about an hour.  This week we'll be ending at Haas park though a smaller posse will return to Palmer.

Kidical Mass is a group bike ride for children.  All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  We mostly ride neighborhood streets, but do have to cross busier streets such as Western avenue.  Adults without children who can assist in corking and sweep during the ride and can assist in face painting, balloons, adjusting bikes and airing tires are always greatly appreciated.

The Palmer riders have a diverse means of riding with kids.  From Dutch style cargo bikes to Xtracycles, trail-a-bikes, child trailers, tandems and of course many kids riding solo.  The youngest of which at 3 riding without training wheels is quite inspiring.  We aim to ride at a 5 mph pace.  We encourage parents with kids who may not be able to sustain the pace for our typical 4 mile rides to bring a trailer or other means to sag their child if needed, though usually we have others with sufficient capacity to assist in sagging.

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