"OOH! I Didn't See You!" - 'Clueless Unobservant Drivers'

I'm getting tired of this lame excuse from cluelessly unobservant drivers.

Driver, what happened here?  OOH, I didn't see them !

screenshot photo credit: IDOT

A driver that passed me last night (around 11:15pm) almost a block back looking for what she thought was an open parking spot ahead, then realizes it's not, then throws it in reverse and proceeds at a high rate of speed to backwards to another parking spot narrowly missing me on my bike doing a brake-screeching evasive maneuver.
She then slams her brakes, I give her the usual loud 'hey' and angry look and she says, "OOH, I didn't see you!"
She's driving a huge rear-windowed Subaru Forester SUV and I'm with lights and reflectors on my road bike.
I shouted back, "well then, try not to kill anyone with your bad vision", as she moved away I observed her continued wrong-way manuver at speed.
Geeez! SMH!


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FYI - There's a useful feature on some newer cars that makes this even easier and gives a wider angle. Our car came equipped with both a backup camera AND a camera under the right side mirror. Turning on the right turn signal automatically turns on the right side camera and gives a wider angle view than the side mirror.  (It's also possible to turn on the camera without the right turn signal.) 

I'm sure it was intended for things like avoiding blind spot collisions during highway lane changes. However, it's extremely for spotting cyclists in the right lane and helping to prevent right hook crashes.

'extremely useful for spotting cyclists in the right lane'

clp, you know as well as I, and Anne also, from our maturing wisdom over our decades of life and cycling, the many valuable lessons we can pass on to those in our community who will carry on into the future our passion and love for that which is dear to us.

I also have many concerns about the upcoming technological innovations and how our distracted modern society may not recognize the extent of need for actual human intelligence and not the programmed code of a machine. Technology can be useful for us, but it should never be entirely trusted.

Last week, another one of those autonomous cars (Tesla) was involved in a horrendous crash that killed the human guinea pig driver. Nope, life has to be more valuable to us than our distractions and the compromising of our minds to make critical decisions.

The future should never be feared, it must be dealt with using the actual human brain.

If we use it correctly, we'll see all that we need and not have to say, "Ooh, I didn't see you!"

We know that per-mile-driven these systems are already better than human drivers- and when something does go wrong we have a complete record of the circumstances and decisions taken so the systems can be improved.

I'm sure the family of Walter Huang, 38, who had a wife and two children, are not totally comforted by that fact. I understand drivers sign a liability waiver of some degree.


Shockingly, Tesla is now deflecting the blame towards the highway crash barriers for not being maintained in the proper condition before the crash.

You might be better served by familiarizing yourself with rear-view cameras and then commenting on them. 



And you could have at least posted something for us to back your side of the argument.

Didn't bother, or have time to look, huh? Sounds familiar.

I had time today to look at a few sites and understand that they can contribute to being helpful.

But then, not every device used by a human being is 100% foolproof.

The word would be USEFUL.

It's a wide angle view and it works VERY well.

As a supplemental measure, in addition to my own efforts to be alert, I'll take whatever I can get.  I do think that if you use your mirrors on a car properly, they work just fine.  I am also a big advocate of cyclists having at least one mirror.  I feel uncomfortable without one on my left side.  

I strongly agree.

Also, regarding the side mirror camera I mentioned earlier - those of you who know me well know that I'm not necessarily a fan of many of the newer technologies that are becoming common in cars, especially what I refer to as "onboard distraction systems."

I was surprised and impressed at the quality of video image from both rear backup and side mirror cameras on this car.  I don't look at the screen unless I need information there. Of course, having that technology in a car is always a "your mileage may vary" situation. Not all drivers will handle it in the same way. If it's me or my husband driving that car, we're watching out for bikes and peds, and glad to have the wide angle assist to pretty much ELIMINATE blind spots.

OOH! I didn't see 'em officer!


IDOT is running a campaign to remind clueless and unobservant drivers to be alert (duh!) for pedestrians and cyclists. 


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