Oh Dearborn! A virtual tour of Chicago's first 2-way protected bike lane

Did you blink yesterday? If so you missed CDOT painting the "game-changing" new 2-way protected bike lane on Dearborn Street from Polk Street to the Chicago River. The striping is already complete, although the lane won't be ready to ride until the flexible posts, signs and bike-specific traffic signals are done. Here's a virtual tour of the new facility so far:


Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield

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Anne, I would not take that to be a bike box for NB right turners at Monroe.  Why do you think so?

Yep, I realized that after posting, which is why I have since deleted said post. :-)

Left on red hopefully won't be a problem since it looks like the signals for cars are red left-pointing arrows, signifying a no left on red situation.

Cameron Puetz said:

Dearborn is one way northbound, so rights on red shouldn't be a problem. However since most of the cross streets are also one way, lefts on red could be a problem.

Adam Herstein said:

I feel like right-on-red should be banned for car drivers on Dearborn. Otherwise, there could be conflicts with cyclists heading north (with a green) and southbound motorists trying to turn right on red.

Lisa Curcio said:

No right turn signals.  I would think there are two choices--get all the way over to the right lane of traffic in the block before you want to turn right or turn right on red after stopping at the red bicycle signal.  Northbound cars will also have a red signal so those continuing straight should be stopped.  You will potentially have to worry about cars in the far right lane also turning right on red.

That wasn't quite what I said.  I gave an example of a bike box and described them.  This one happens to be at Monroe.  See edit above.

Lisa Curcio said:

Anne, I would not take that to be a bike box for NB right turners at Monroe.  Why do you think so?

Left turning NB traffic now has left turn signals, which are RED at the appropriate point in the cycle to prevent conflicts with thru bike traffic.

Cameron Puetz said:

Dearborn is one way northbound, so rights on red shouldn't be a problem. However since most of the cross streets are also one way, lefts on red could be a problem.

Ah, saw it before the edit!

Anne Alt said:

That wasn't quite what I said.  See edit above.

Lisa Curcio said:

Anne, I would not take that to be a bike box for NB right turners at Monroe.  Why do you think so?

Heard rumors that Dearborn will open on Friday. Who's going to ride it? Use good manners and put on your finest. No jousting. High fives would be nice though.

I'll be riding it! (I've been using it sporadically northbound already.) I promise not to joust. I do not promise to high five however. I have really bad cultural connotations associated with that gesture.

maryrachel said:

Heard rumors that Dearborn will open on Friday. Who's going to ride it? Use good manners and put on your finest. No jousting. High fives would be nice though.

Then I will smile and ding my bell.

All bike traffic signals are functional except Wacker and Kinzie. The proposed bike lane on Kinzie connecting the existing protected bike lane to Dearborn is not in place. Does anyone know when that is supposed to go in?

At today's MBAC (Mayor's Bike Advisory Council), we were told that the plan was for a Friday opening with press conference.  It would be great to see LOTS of people at the press conference showing support.  More info soon.

maryrachel said:

Heard rumors that Dearborn will open on Friday. Who's going to ride it? Use good manners and put on your finest. No jousting. High fives would be nice though.

Anne, will appreciate any updates as to the time and location of that press conference.  I would love to be there, but I am riding in the Amlings Toys for Tots Ride so cannot be downtown early.

Dearborn Street bike signal lights are operating and many of the barricades blocking the bike lanes have been removed.


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