NY Times: A Grandmother. A Doctor. A 10-Year-Old Boy: N.Y. Traffic Deaths Rise


Probably nothing we don't already understand from our own experience... From the article:

In an effort to identify patterns, The New York Times analyzed city crash data on both injuries and deaths.

The examination showed that much of the problem comes down to careless driving, including driver inattention, failing to yield and speeding.

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Dang, thanks @clp. I didn't bother to test the link the Times provided, assuming it was good.

There is an interesting discussion underway >> Will more people suffer car versus pedestrian or cycling related mishaps in New York this year, or, contract the corona virus and the common flu via public transportation.  


There is all sorts of thinking around it... who really touches what handle, etc.  CityLab naturally is saying the risks are very low, say, only 4% or so of transmission might come from public transportation. Some agree, others not so much, but, transit with the mixing of people and touching things presents a different sort of risk that cycling and car driving don't.  People in close proximity can do it via airborne means per this article on transit risks.  https://www.citylab.com/transportation/2011/11/are-city-buses-makin...

Cyclist, drivers, pedestrians, everybody needs to follow the rules to help mitigate the risks in traffic, but for people crowded into the subway and on busses, the insights to not touch things nor breathe certain folks' air on public transportation will be a challenge for some?   Be careful out there.  A lot of people feel their grip on the steering wheel or the handle bars is safer than the handrail on a bus or the 'el. However, there's even some debate about bikeshare bikes like their version of Divvy where the subway pole isn't the germiest thing?  https://www.metro.us/news/local-news/new-york/new-yorks-most-germ-r...

Has anyone else noticed a change?  To my eye total traffic is down significantly.  Streets are very quiet. There is either indifference or a major ewww ick sort of hypocondriacis mood with people in public places. 

Car traffic is down massively. I drove to work yesterday and today (Avondale to Englewood and back) and it took me barely more than 15 minutes to get home, vs. 35-45. In 12 years here I don't think I've ever seen that little vehicle traffic on a weekday rush hour.

Likewise avoid face-touching before the hands are washed.  One more thing, don't touch anything else with those hands before they're washed either since the virus can live a little while on hard surfaces as well.  This is one of the more challenging parts of staunching the spread.

When I use the CTA to commute I'm going "against traffic" on the south side Red Line, so passenger volume is always pretty low. Given that there is not a large difference in commute time between riding and riding+CTA and driving is now much, much faster than either, the CTA is my last choice. I'll choose speed and saving time or riding and more enjoyment :)


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