I just wanted to post a heads up for anyone who rides the North Branch for commuting or otherwise.

I hopped on at Winnetka Rd. on my way home from work today expecting to find the path mostly melted with the warm temps and rain.  About a quarter of a mile in I found mostly ice.  I ended up walking my bike to the Happ Rd. exit and rode on the street the rest of the way home.  I would have been able to ride with studs or some thick knobbys, but not on my normal 32c Marathon Plus.

I was hoping for a nice relaxing ride home away from the SUV's, slippery lane markings, and dirty curbsides, but alas.

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Thanks for the update. I was hoping to go for a ride to the gardens on saturday before it gets cold again, but it doesn't sound like that's going to happen.

Yeah unless you have a studded setup or fatbike it could be a rough ride.  I don't recommend it.

The rain  tonight might be enough to clear the rest of the ice away.

Thank you Dave.  Good to know.

A family member of mine fell this morning right around this same area on their commute to work.   There is def still ice there even in the 50 degree weather we have now. 

Unfortunately, this kind of situation is not unusual with forest preserve trails.  Any area where there are a lot of trees on either side of the trail has some shade, even when trees are bare.  The sun melts snow and ice faster than warm temps.  If the path is in shade, it will be much slower to melt than nearby areas with more sun.

Yes! I fell once due to losing traction on a heavy layer of old powdered road salt on Clybourn.  

h' 1.0 said:

The times I've slipped out in wintertime have all been times when it seemed like it could not possibly be slippery and I let my guard down.  Thanks for the warning.

Bump. Anyone know how the North Branch is doing now? I'd love to get out there and enjoy the predicted nice weather this weekend.

I went out Sunday but didn't make it very far north. Be very careful through the underpasses- the first  one you go under north of Lawrence (Foster or Peterson?) has a thick patch of ice about 20 feet long. You can't see it until it's right in front of you as you're flying downhill through the tunnel. 

Are you talking about the North Branch trail or the North Shore Channel trail? It sounds like the latter.

Anne B. said:

I went out Sunday but didn't make it very far north. Be very careful through the underpasses- the first  one you go under north of Lawrence (Foster or Peterson?) has a thick patch of ice about 20 feet long. You can't see it until it's right in front of you as you're flying downhill through the tunnel. 

Anne, sounds like you're talking about the North Shore Channel trail, although thanks for the update; I was curious about that one too, since its a lot closer to my house. Any reports on the North Branch (the one that goes up to the Botanic Garden) out there?

Duppie 13.5185km said:

Are you talking about the North Branch trail or the North Shore Channel trail? It sounds like the latter.

Anne B. said:

I went out Sunday but didn't make it very far north. Be very careful through the underpasses- the first  one you go under north of Lawrence (Foster or Peterson?) has a thick patch of ice about 20 feet long. You can't see it until it's right in front of you as you're flying downhill through the tunnel.

I plan to ride it Thursday after work. I will let you know then

Megan Hauser said:

Bump. Anyone know how the North Branch is doing now? I'd love to get out there and enjoy the predicted nice weather this weekend.


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