New Clybourn Protected Bike Lane Becoming a Popular Route for Cyclists

Chicago Streetsblog's John Greenfield, "I encountered Active Transportation Alliance staffer Kevin Dekkinga, who told me he’s taken Clybourn home from Active Trans’ River North offices to Logan Square for years, and he had never seen anywhere near as much bike traffic on the street before the CPBLs became rideable a couple weeks ago."

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I'm looking forward to checking it out.

I came upon the protected bike lane while traveling south on Clybourn early Tuesday morning. I thought it was great until I got to Division. The lane markings seemed to point directly to the curb separating the Division bike lane from motor vehicle lanes. A quick maneuver on wet pavement to get into the bike lane landed me on the asphalt. I don't know if it was the lighting or the pavement markings, but I think some improvement may be called for.

Well it is a true protected lane,Clybourn is a little more dangerous while they're constructing it.
Now if they could get a nice lane all the way to Cortland and somehow connect that to the Bloomingdale then we'd have a great stretch finally going East/West.
I still say they should have put some low growing plants in the between instead of bricks or pavement

Maybe I'll ride this on my way home, tonight.

For those that don't know- I have a little bike shop along this route- Yojimbo's Garage at 1310 N Clybourn.

I'm always looking for an excuse to hang out on the sidewalk and wave at commuters...  Visitors sometimes stop by and we loiter on the sidewalk, drink coffee and cheer on the riders...  You're welcome to stop by (knock if no one's on the sidewalk).


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