With the new Cook County Commissioner redistricting, the Old Edgebrook neighborhood now falls into Commissioner Bridget Gainer's district. She has received letters from the Edgebrook Community Association and the neighbors of Old Edgebrook to put pressure to stop the trail extension. Construction is scheduled to begin November 30, 2015 and we need Commissioner Gainer to hear from supporters of the trail. Please consider calling or writing Commissioner Gainer an email stating your support, what the trail means to you and if you live in her district. It’s okay if you don’t live in her district, but it’s important to hear from the district constituents if they are supporters, find the district map here. Email her at Info@BridgetGainer.com or call her office at (312) 603-4210 to share your support of the trail extension. Please forward this email to fellow trail supporters.
Thank you for your help and support! Hopefully this time next year I will be seeing you at the trail ribbon cutting.
Not familiar with the project? Check it out here.
Thank you!!!!
Doesn't the setback make all of your safety concerns null and void? The setback means that the bicycle traffic will not be impacting your ability to enter and exit your neighborhood. By the time you are entering the intersection of Louie or Prescott and Central you have passed the bike path already. 70 ft mean that there can be easily 5 cars to the east of the bike path crossing waiting to turn onto Central.
Looking a little closer at the picture that Bob posted it looks like the setback might be created exactly to alleviate these concerns. The picture shows that North of Louie and South of Prescott the path runs much closer to Central.
The setback may have other disadvantages as Bob mentioned, but it sure does alleviate your safety concerns.
I am a constituent of Bridget Gainer and I just emailed her to voice my support for the North Branch trail extension.
I followed this development for years. Everybody had their say, even if they don't like the outcome. It is time to get this trail built.
Updated information on the North Branch Trail Extension
The trail will allow burglars and drugs dealers easier access to the Old Edgebrook community.
On all trails, all the foot and bicycle traffic drives away homeless people and people looking to steal stuff. Property values go up about 5-15%.
The safety argument has not been debunked. It is very real. The extension crossing Louise and Prescott was originally on the east side of Central. The FPD chose money over safety and moved it to the less safe west side of the street.
I'm not sure what 13 meetings you are referring to during the design phase. I reviewed all the meeting notes through the Freedom of Information Act. The initial planning meetings that I found were not open to the community during the design phase according to the meeting sign in sheets. There was one meeting with the Indian Road Community at their request, but that was not an open, publicized meeting. There was a Forest Glen meeting where community members asked for more information and input, but received no follow-up from the FPD. The ECA sponsored an open meeting inviting the FPD to present their plans (July 2014) and invited other communities to present alternative routes. The FPD held a meeting in August 2014 saying they would make no changes.
Per Kindy Kruller at the "Construction Briefing" last night, yet another community meeting with no community input allowed, the 70 foot set back between Louise and Prescott was decided on by the FPD, CDOT and Alderman Laurino. The community was not invited to participate in that planning process either. Holding meetings where there is no meaningful dialogue or exchange of ideas is not the same as holding a meeting where participation is a meaningful word.
The trail when built provides a great benefit to all the neighborhoods of Chicago. I would love if the debates occurring here can get resolved to get this done. Too many projects fail due to the conflicts that occur that are not resolved. Let's move forward with the best plan to get this done for the benefit of the residents of Chicago.
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