I read an humorous essay I wrote on riding my bike year round at a show called Essay Fiesta.  I thought I'd share it with other bicycle enthusiasts to (hopefully) enjoy.  I can't embed the video, but you can watch it here.  Or cut and paste this link if you'd rather: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJC5pcQ6jlY

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lol! that was great.
can you fart into an ort cloud?
I'm betting you can do anything in an oort cloud.
That's great!

The "buy a car" comment used to get me when I still owned one, especially on long rides where I felt it was obvious that I was biking by choice.
Did someone just FART? Bless your ORT cloud for using your car money to change your life forever!
"Whenever I tell people that I biked all year round, I get the same response I would get as if I had just farted in their face."

LOL, and I'm not even 30 seconds in.
Reminds me of when I lived in New Hampshire and would take walks or bike rides along country roads. Sometimes drivers would stop and ask "do you want a ride?" Thanks, but no. If I wanted a ride, I would be in a car now.

Funny stuff. Thanks for sharing.
Very entertaining! Thanks for sharing. I couldn't agree more about the Prius drivers with the Obama/Biden stickers. So, how do I get my copy of Bryanetics?
Thanks everyone! I know at over 7 minutes the video is epically long in youtube terms so I appreciate ya'll watching it.

As for copies of Bryanetics, I'll have to remember which dumpster I hid my duffel bag under and get back to you.
No, the video was too short. I wanted more. Well done sir!

Bryan Bowden said:
Thanks everyone! I know at over 7 minutes the video is epically long in youtube terms so I appreciate ya'll watching it.

As for copies of Bryanetics, I'll have to remember which dumpster I hid my duffel bag under and get back to you.
Yeah, really awesome!
I always wondered how to describe that facial expression I'd get from people when I'd mentioned I rode year round. Now I know.


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