starts Friday morning.

ill be skateboarding to work.

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Maybe get some lower gears on your skateboard? just sayin'. :-)
igz said:

skateboarding uphill sucks.  just saying

love the skateboard to work idea...


hey maybe it would be easier to just post when there are no blackouts ?  (just kidding)

Time for a flashback:

Rock Island trains after rush hour were PACKED this a.m. and very late due to all the boarding delays.  I'm guessing that will continue through afternoon (usually does) and that conditions are probably similar on other Metra lines.  If TPTB at Metra would see the light and eliminate the blackout for reverse commuters, that's probably the best we could hope for with existing equipment and service.

Julie Hochstadter said:

so off topic, but the chairman resigned today.  Maybe this blackout will cease in the future with a new chairman and board?  I guess that's not off topic actually.

I was curious how others' Metra commutes were this morning. The Milwaukee District North line was fairly normal this morning. Mostly, it was us regulars... schlepping our selves to our offices on a muggy Friday morning.

The throngs of Lolla-goers were not crowding our train car. There were only 2 groups of Lolla-commuters on my train car:

Group 1) A very young teen-aged couple who were kind of nervous and excited at first, and then slept very closely together the rest of the trip. I got the feeling it was their first train ride to the "big city" alone. Kinda cute to see.

Group 2) 4 guys sitting near me who I can only describe as "dude-bros" that looked like they climbed out of an Abercrombie & Fitch catalog photo shoot. They shared a large bag of Bugles chips and a duffel bag full of beer for their breakfast. The great thing was when we got to Union Station, they gave me two cans of Revolution beer because they couldn't finish their morning beer intake and didn't want to throw the last two cans away when they arrived at the Lolla gates.

Cheers to you fist-pumping suburban surfer dude bros! Cheers to you!

Anne Alt said:

Rock Island trains after rush hour were PACKED this a.m. and very late due to all the boarding delays. 

downhill is awesome!


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