When asking around, I heard these three candidates are some potential good bike-friendly options:




Let's use this thread to discuss, bring in articles, quotations, and proof of bike-savviness. Cool?

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I met Mendoza several years ago at the post-Bike the Drive festival, after she had done the ride. When I talked to her, I definitely got the sense that she had a clue about bike issues.

I wish I had a clue how Lightfoot feels about bike issues and non-car transportation issues in general.  There's a lot I like about her, but I want to know about her positions on more issues

I haven't seen anything that gives me any sense of how Enyia feels about bike issues and non-car transportation issues.

Paul Vallas actually mentions bike lanes on his web site, under Infrastructure. 

For what it's worth:
"Paul believes in a proactive rather than a reactive approach to Chicago’s infrastructural needs. In addition to the larger line-items like road and bike lane improvement, Paul’s plan includes lead-free water, flood prevention measures, adequate parking, and internet access worthy of our time."

Anyone got more?

I'm not a Chicago resident (Evanston, though I work in the Loop). I think Richie and Rahm have both been good for the cycling community. I rather suspect the next crop of mayoral candidates will have difficulty living up to their legacies. That said, I'd like to see two things (knowing that I have no way to do more than wish):

  • Better enforcement of existing laws to protect bike riders and pedestrians. In the Loop I frequently see people turn left or right across crosswalks and "protected" bike lanes when it's illegal (either posted permanent no-right/left-turn, or right/left-turn-only on green arrow). As a cyclist, that absolutely scares the bejeebers out of me. Not just right-on-red from the right turn lane, but turning right from a center lane! While the bike lane signal is green! I just saw someone get pulled over for that for the first time the other day (turning right off Adams to Dearborn).
  • Better maintenance of existing bike infrastructure. It seems the city has found plenty of money to install new bike lanes and such, but they fairly quickly get a bit tattered. They aren't cleaned often enough, or vehicle traffic quickly eradicates painted lines.

On the hierarchy of needs/issues, bike policy fails to register in the top five IMHO.

Of course, I do want a progressive, pro-bike administration. It's just not THE issue that will determine my vote.

Hey Curtis, I hear you. Thanks for speaking up. I posted this because pro-bike tends to go hand-in-hand with a strong focus on public transportation, infrastructure, and housing issues. As we've seen, the bike infrastructure at the very least reflects the same areas that need more road infrastructure and services. When I saw a mayoral candidate that was far off base regarding bikes (and gun control imo), I decided to ask everyone what they thought. Feel free to share what's in your top five and which candidates you are interested in. 

Yasmeen, and I hear you.

Sooo, since you asked, on the the very top of my priorities would be substantive police reform, disarming gun violence, improving the City of Chicago's long-term fiscal sustainability (pension and tax reform), investing new resources in (vs. hollowing out) our public schools, and a more equitable  distribution of city services and economic development throughout the greater city (OK, I'm sneaking in two for one there). and improving affordable housing options. But wait, there's more! Reinvesting in mental health services. And this Top 5+ list does not even address the serious need to further develop strategies to counter the explosive opioid epidemic. Toni Preckwinkle and Lori Lightfoot are my two top choices, with Toni's proven leadership experience as an effective executive in her role as President of the Cook County Board tipping the scales for me at this time. I would like to see Amara Enyia serving some role in the next administration.

Your top two choices are in the run-off. This is very exciting for Chicago. Any additional thoughts a month and a half later?

I am thrilled with the results for mayor, having personally shifted to Lightfoot by election day. I think we, as citizens of Chicago and Cook County, benefit by having both women serve -- Lori as mayor and Toni continuing as president. I look forward eagerly to the dialogue/debate that will lead up to the April election.

The money to maintain the bike lanes, and expand them, is lying on the pavement so to speak, but the city has done a half a** job of bending over and picking it up. I'm speaking about enforcing the no parking or stopping in bike lane law of course. It's a $300 fine in the city center. If one person, me, can document close to 700 violations in a year riding less than 30 minutes a day in the bike lanes, certainly the city can manage to collect millions by doing their d*mn jobs correctly. As I've noted elsewhere, I manage to encounter a $150/$300 violator every 2.5 minutes. As of mid-July 2018, the city had only written ~2000 tickets for the year. Assuming they kept the same pace for the remainder of the year, 4000 tickets from over 100 workers is total horsesh*t.

So someone decided to pay $200 to $300 a month to park downtown because they couldn't be bothered to get dropped off and picked up across the street from the bike lane, or around the corner? Sorry, not buying it.

The majority of violators downtown are rideshares. If you can't do the time, don't commit the crime.

I wouldn't call the it "journalistic lobbying" -- it's simply journalism. It's what the Fourth Estate is suppose to do.

MORE fines is NOT the solution for funding shortfalls. I think it's a fundamentally flawed approach.

Argonne, when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

There are over 50,000 miles of streets in Chicago, and less than 250 miles of bike lanes. If I'm a hammer, it's focused on a very small number of nails sticking out. I don't think it's asking too much for the city to a) provide bike lanes, b) keep them clean, and c) enforce the laws on the books, helping to keep improving a) and b).

On a positive note, I saw a city worker this morning shoveling snow by hand out of the bike lane at the corner of Washington and LaSalle. I gave her a thumbs up, and thanked her.


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