Originally scheduled for Sept 9th at City Hall downtown.


I haven't seen any updates and strongly suspect this assembly will not take place.

Does anyone have any information on this?

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Did anybody attend the "Zoom" meeting of this, or participate in it?

Here's the message from CDOT on 9/3 about the cancellation:

Hello MBAC partners,
As you may know, CDOT is undertaking a strategic plan to revisit and realign the agency’s values, mission and delivery processes.  The entire agency is involved in this plan, which will touch every aspect and role that CDOT engages in.  CDOT also wants to make sure that the plan sets the tone for and advances equity, and to that end a Transportation Equity Network, led by CNT, is working in partnership with CDOT to help develop closer relationships with communities and long-term strategies for mobility justice. 


As part of the strategic plan, we hope to find more efficient and effective ways of engaging with both MBAC and MPAC, and we appreciate your patience as we work through the process. We are canceling  MBAC this month and will report back soon with next steps.


On behalf of Commissioner Biagi, we invite you to complete this survey that will help us better understand how our external partners view CDOT and transportation in Chicago. This is an important part of the strategic plan, and we look forward to your insights on the agency’s strengths and weaknesses as a partner to your organization. The survey will remain open through September 15, and should only take about 10 minutes to complete.


In addition, we encourage you to sign up for CDOT’s Newsletter to receive messages from Commissioner Biagi, and updates on projects/initiatives via email. You can sign up here. 



Chicago Complete Streets 

Thanks John, I haven't gotten any MBAC emails in a while, so I was curious what the deal was. Glad to hear they're working with CNT on their strategic plan, those folks are great.



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