I just walked past a kid carrying a Giant bike with the back wheel U-locked to the frame. It looked suspicious but I didn't know what to do. I was with my kid so I didn't feel comfortable accosting the guy. All I did was take a picture of him - couldn't really get a good look at the bike.

Any advice on what I should have done?

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No way! Annoying and creepy. 

There is a facebook page called "Find Stolen Bikes" :https://www.facebook.com/groups/findstolenbikeschicago/?ref=br_tf

Post the picture in that group.

Even if it were my bike being stolen, I would not want you to put your child in harms way - not worth it.

You did the right thing.

I'm encouraged by the fact that the victim used a U-Lock. Now if we could just get people to lock their bikes to a bike rack or other suitably secure object...

Thanks... the guy carried it to wait for the Damen bus. And I was walking my dog with my kid - definitely didn't have time to stalk him. I just felt so helpless and wished I had better options, esp. because I know how much it sucks to have your bike stolen.  I'll post the picture in the group and hope that no one needs it.

I've been in that situation before. Never been able to do much, and the idea of following them a bit is a good one and at least try to get a picture. 

Kat said:

Thanks... the guy carried it to wait for the Damen bus. And I was walking my dog with my kid - definitely didn't have time to stalk him. I just felt so helpless and wished I had better options, esp. because I know how much it sucks to have your bike stolen.  I'll post the picture in the group and hope that no one needs it.

It sounds like a story and  not a crime based on your description. He sounds awfully casual for a thief. Is a thief going to wait for a bus? If so its a thief with a carbon fiber fork and brass balls.

Kat said:

Thanks... the guy carried it to wait for the Damen bus. And I was walking my dog with my kid - definitely didn't have time to stalk him. I just felt so helpless and wished I had better options, esp. because I know how much it sucks to have your bike stolen.  I'll post the picture in the group and hope that no one needs it.

I think sometimes people take bikes that are unlocked, not really thinking it's stealing, but instead assuming if they don't take it, someone else will. I was approached once by a old man in the loop after hours asking me if I knew of a nearby pawn shop where he could sell a bike he had just found. I got agitated and told him that's stealing, and that's not right. He walked away and I called the police. No idea what ended up happening, and in retrospect I am still kicking myself for not just physically taking the bike from him (he looked frail). Regardless, though, it really opened my eyes to a different perspective - that some people just take things that are left laying around.

In your case, after taking the picture, maybe you could have been sly and tried to get him to admit taking the bike by asking "Oh hey, did you just find that bike?" If he says something like "Yeah, it was just sitting there", then you can say "Yeah I know it's tempting, but you can't just take a bike even if it's not locked up - maybe we can find the owner. Let's call the police to have them pick it up and register it as lost." If he doesn't take you up on the offer, you can then just say "ok, man, your karma" and walk away. When out of sight, call the cops anyways...?

Would the police hold onto a stolen bike, though? Not sure...


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