Residents requested that W. Argyle St. be converted to a one-way westbound between N. Francisco Ave and N. Whipple Ave. The Dept. of Transportation (CDOT) has approved the change.

This involved the bridge over the river that links the bike route along the North Shore Channel Trail.

A southbound cyclist would be required to ride the wrong way to get from the trail on the east side of the river to the continuation of the trail on the west side of the river.

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I can't see the plan just a form 

Why the opposition?

Reducing vehicle traffic through a park?

Contraflow bike lane? 

Personally there shouldn't be any streets through the parks

It's the NORTHBOUND route that's affected.  Following the Manor Greenway from Montrose to Lawrence and then through Ronan Park to Argyle you can't cross the bridge to continue north through River Park East without riding the wrong way on a one-way street if this change is made.

Is there any movement on this?  I rode through this and over the bridge yesterday and didn't see any changes.


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